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décembre 4, 2024Like
Breaking the Therapy Stigma: Why Seeking Help is a Sign of Strength
Mental health is a pressing topic today — current research from Mental Health America shows that nearly a quarter of adults in the United States experienced some form of mental health condition in the last year. That’s about 60 million people. Yet, despite our increasing recognition of how prevalent an issue it is, the stigma around therapy and seeking help still exists in many communities. There are several problems with this — first and foremost, a negative stereotype and unfair talk
décembre 4, 2024Like
Native American Mental Health: A Journey Through Diverse Nations and Communities
Native American mental health concerns are complex, but by developing a deep understanding of cultural and historical contexts, it’s possible to challenge and overcome them. Native American nations are diverse, with unique languages, traditions, and perspectives on health and healing that can influence how we approach and address mental health care. Explore some of the challenges Native Americans face regarding mental well-being and learn about how modern and traditional healing practices are coming together to best serve this population. We’ll talk
décembre 4, 2024Like
How to Navigate Feelings When Your Spouse Has Cancer
Facing a cancer diagnosis in the family is a life-altering experience, and when it’s your spouse who’s affected, the emotional weight can feel overwhelming. Navigating this journey can bring up a range of complex feelings, from fear and sadness to moments of guilt or helplessness. It’s even normal to feel alone when you have a spouse with cancer. These complex emotions are natural, yet they can be challenging to manage while you focus on supporting your spouse. In fact, some talk
décembre 4, 2024Like
REBT vs CBT: What is the Difference?
Two commonly used approaches to therapy today are rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Both styles focus on identifying negative thought and behavior patterns and changing them to enhance emotional well-being. While they share similar goals, they’re actually built on differing philosophical foundations and offer distinct approaches to healing. Keep reading as we break down the key differences between CBT and REBT therapy so you can decide which treatment style might be best for your needs talk
décembre 4, 2024Like
El síndrome metabólico y el cáncer endometrial ¿Cuál es la conexión?
English + Infographic text ¿Qué es el síndrome metabólico? Es un grupo de condiciones que elevan el riesgo de problemas médicos graves. Son, entre otros: Presión arterial alta Niveles altos de azúcar en la sangre Niveles altos de colesterol Obesidad El síndrome metabólico y el cáncer endometrial Muchas mujeres con cáncer endometrial también tienen síndromes metabólicos. Científicos han identificado una conexión entre 3 señales del síndrome metabólico, la obesidad, la diabetes y la hipertensión, y el cáncer endometrial. Healthy
décembre 4, 2024Like
Freedom to Breathe: Disparities and COPD
Almost 16 million Americans are living with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, diagnosis. Millions more don’t even know they have it. The COPD Foundation, a nonprofit that promotes research, advocacy and awareness to stop COPD and similar conditions, estimates that the number of Americans who are affected by COPD is as high as 30 million, some of whom are misdiagnosed with other breathing conditions (like asthma). COPD encompasses multiple chronic lung diseases, including emphysema and bronchitis. Breathlessness is Healthy
décembre 4, 2024Like
Women and COPD
Retired paralegal Patti Todd was devastated to learn she had COPD when she was in her 40s. She’d been living for years with asthma, but hearing she had COPD was a blow. She was afraid the diagnosis would affect her active lifestyle. “But the doctor explained, the less you do, the less you’re going to want to do,” she said. “Do as much as you can to push yourself. Don’t just do the stuff you’re comfortable with.” So Todd got Healthy
décembre 4, 2024Like
Libertad para respirar: Disparidades y la EPOC
English Casi 16 millones de estadounidenses viven con algún diagnóstico de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, o EPOC. Millones más ni siquiera saben que la tienen. COPD Foundation, una organización sin fines de lucro que promueve la investigación, defensa de derechos y concientización para luchar contra la EPOC y condiciones similares, estima que el número de estadounidenses que padecen EPOC llega a los 30 millones y algunos de ellos tienen diagnósticos erróneos de otras condiciones respiratorias (tal como el asma). Las Healthy
décembre 4, 2024Like
True or False: Urothelial Bladder Cancer
The American Cancer Society estimates that over 20,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with urothelial bladder cancer (UBC), also known as bladder cancer, in 2024. Learning about symptoms and what groups are most affected can help you take steps toward prevention. Take our quick quiz to test your knowledge of UBC and ways to decrease your risk. 1. Women are at higher risk of developing urothelial bladder cancer. True False Correct Incorrect false. Often referred to as Healthy
décembre 4, 2024Like
Las mujeres y la EPOC
English La asistente jurídica retirada Patti Todd se sintió devastada cuando se enteró que tenía EPOC unos años después de cumplir 40 años. Vivió durante años con asma, pero escuchar que tenía EPOC fue un golpe fuerte. Temía que su diagnóstico afecte su estilo de vida activo. « Pero la doctora explicó, entre menos actividades tengas, menos desearás hacerlas », dijo. « Trata de esforzarte lo más posible. No solo hagas cosas con las que te sientas cómoda ». Consecuentemente, Todd compró un monitor Healthy
décembre 4, 2024Like
Reaction Formation In Psychology – What is It And How To Recognize It
In psychology, reaction formation is considered a defense mechanism in which you wish to do something or say something but end up saying or doing the opposite. Often, this reaction is born out of an unwanted anxiety-inducing impulse. For example, a mother with an unwanted kid may become overprotective to convince herself and the kid that she can be a good mother. Confused? Well, this is what reaction formation does, and we discuss it. How was the concept of reaction calmsage
décembre 3, 2024Like
Should You Make Your Own Skincare Products?
Apple pie. Chocolate chip cookies. Spaghetti sauce. All of these things become instantly more attractive when you add the word “homemade.” But what about face lotion, masks and toners? Homemade skincare products have been gaining popularity online as less expensive and more natural alternatives to store-bought creams. A quick search for DIY skincare turns up hundreds of different recipes and videos on how to mix your own moisturizers, serums and even sunscreen. But when it comes to your skin — Healthy