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novembre 30, 2024Like

Les comportements à adopter lors d’une conversation avec une personne en deuil

Lorsqu’on s’adresse à une personne en deuil, il est essentiel d’adopter des comportements qui témoignent d’empathie, de respect et de soutien. La douleur de la perte est immense, et le deuil est un processus profondément personnel. Voici quelques attitudes importantes à adopter pour être présent et apporter un réconfort sincère à la personne endeuillée. D’abord, il est crucial d’écouter activement. Le deuil est souvent accompagné d’un besoin de parler de la personne décédée, de partager des souvenirs ou de verbaliser
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novembre 30, 2024Like

Anticipation du futur : Définition et manipulation par les narcissiques

L’anticipation du futur est un processus psychologique et intellectuel qui permet à un individu de projeter des événements à venir sur la base d’indices présents. Cette capacité est essentielle pour la prise de décisions, la planification et l’adaptation aux changements. Toutefois, elle peut être manipulée par des personnes ayant des traits narcissiques, qui exploitent cette anticipation à leur avantage. La Nature de l’Anticipation L’anticipation du futur repose sur une série de mécanismes cognitifs. Elle implique l’évaluation de diverses informations, l’analyse
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novembre 30, 2024Like

Les choses à éviter en parlant à une personnes en situation de deuil

Lorsqu’on parle à une personne en situation de deuil, il est essentiel de faire preuve de grande sensibilité et d’empathie. Certaines paroles ou attitudes, bien que souvent bien intentionnées, peuvent blesser ou accentuer la douleur du deuil. Il est important d’éviter de minimiser la perte. Des phrases comme « Tout arrive pour une raison », « C’était la volonté de Dieu » ou « Il ou elle est dans un meilleur endroit maintenant » peuvent paraître apaisantes à ceux qui les disent, mais pour la personne
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novembre 30, 2024Like

Choses à éviter lorsque l’on parle à une personne en deuil

Lorsqu’on parle à une personne en deuil, il est important de faire preuve de beaucoup de sensibilité et de respect. La douleur d’une perte est souvent profonde, et certaines paroles, même prononcées avec de bonnes intentions, peuvent aggraver la souffrance de l’autre. Voici quelques comportements à éviter pour offrir un soutien approprié dans un tel contexte. Tout d’abord, il est essentiel de ne pas minimiser la douleur de la personne en deuil. Dire des choses comme « tu vas t’en
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novembre 30, 2024Like

ADHD VS OCD – Difference, Symptoms, Treatment, and More

Like in a puzzle, each piece has its place. The same is true with ADHD and OCD. You cannot use these terms interchangeably as they are distinct and will not fit into the intricate mosaic of human experience. That said, in this post, we focus on explaining the differences between ADHD and OCD, how they impact our lives, and what can be done to cope with them. Popularly known ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder) are two
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novembre 29, 2024Like

LELO’s Black Friday Sale Has Best-Sellers for Up to 60% Off, Including One That Gave Shoppers ‘Several Orgasms in Minutes’

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. Your Black Friday shopping probably centers around finding the best deals to check off your little ones’ toy wishlist or the tech gadget your significant other has been asking for. Yes, shop away on all of those items, but don’t you dare forget about yourself this holiday season. And trust us, you’re going to want to slip something from
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novembre 29, 2024Like

Braces, Wisdom Teeth, & Hormones: Teen Dental Hygiene Is a Challenge, but These Expert Tips Can Help

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. Having a 12 year old, it was only a matter of time until the year of the braces reared its ugly head. Some friends started the braces process much earlier (orthos call it phase one), some even in Kindergarten, but we held off until phase one and two meshed together into the usual two-plus year process. So here we
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novembre 29, 2024Like

Stranger Anxiety – What is It and How to Help Children Overcome it

Is your child afraid of unfamiliar people? If so, they are not alone; many children experience this. It is natural for young children to be scared of strangers. It is an important milestone in their growth as it helps the child learn to trust their instincts and their surroundings. However, if you find that this stresses your child, there are ways in which you can help them cope with stranger anxiety and develop trust while they rely on their instinct.
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novembre 28, 2024Like

11 Things To Do Before, During & After a Big Meal To Help Your Digestion & Avoid Bloating

If you’re anything like me, the Thanksgiving post-meal bloat is as much of a holiday tradition as turkey, mashed potatoes, or the parade on TV. It just comes with the territory: I stuff down as much food as I can, then I lie there like a slug to deal with the consequences. But as it turns out, bloating after a big meal doesn’t have to be as inevitable as the football game on TV or pumpkin pie — though it’s
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novembre 28, 2024Like

COVID-19 Lockdowns Transformed Family Dinners For The Better

COVID lockdowns caused many families to eat more meals at home, and it may have had an unexpected benefit. Research published in the journal Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice found that families who ate together more often during the COVID-19 pandemic experienced in increase in quality family time during dinners. “A majority of families reported an increase in all qualitative aspects of family dinner. There was an increase in positive interactions, incorporating the outside world into dinner, and negative behaviors. The biggest increase
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novembre 28, 2024Like

Top 10 Meditation Classes Online (Free and Paid Both)

For ages in India, meditation has been a way to calm down and connect within. Because of this and other benefits like anxiety and stress management, reducing signs of depression, and more, it is slowly gaining popularity in the Western world.  Some studies suggest that meditation can even reduce insomnia, high blood pressure, and other conditions that cause distress. Of course, practicing meditation can be challenging, but you can learn it through different online resources and meditation classes. These online
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novembre 27, 2024Like

Metabolic Syndrome and Endometrial Cancer: What’s the Connection?

+ Infographic text What is metabolic syndrome?  It’s a cluster of conditions that raise your risk of serious health problems.  They include:  High blood pressure High blood sugar High cholesterol levels Obesity Metabolic syndrome and endometrial cancer Many women with endometrial cancer also have metabolic syndrome. Scientists have found a link between 3 signs of metabolic syndrome — obesity, diabetes and hypertension — and endometrial cancer. This is called the “triple syndrome of endometrial cancer.”  People living with obesity are
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