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novembre 27, 2024Like

How to Regain Intimacy When Your Partner Has Bladder Cancer

Living with bladder cancer isn’t just difficult for the patient. It’s also life-changing for their partner, who often becomes their caregiver. Taking on the role of caregiver can feel like a full-time job, leaving you drained and changing the dynamic with your partner, even after recovery. But finding the road back to intimacy is important for the health of your relationship, and your own happiness. Bladder cancer and its treatments can profoundly affect sexual health. Both the physical and psychological
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novembre 27, 2024Like

How To Deal With Family Drama During Holiday Season?

The holiday season is around the corner, for some, it is bliss, and for some people, it can be a sign of heightened family drama. When we ask people to think of their families, they recall fun, excitement, peace, and whatnot! But some people’s equations are not the same! Heightened drama, stress, toxicity, and negativity run around some families, especially during the holiday season. If you’re someone scared of the holiday season because of family issues, worry not, we have
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novembre 26, 2024Like

Cómo examinar tu piel para detectar cáncer si tienes un tono de piel más oscuro

English La revisión médica de este documento la hizo Lakshi Aldredge, MSN, ANP-BC, DCNP, FAANP + Infographic text El cáncer de piel es el tipo más frecuente de cáncer en EE.UU.  Las personas con tonos más oscuros de piel pueden desarrollar melanoma   El melanoma, un tipo de cáncer de piel, usualmente lo causa la exposición al sol, pero no siempre.  El melanoma en las personas de color frecuentemente se desarrolla en partes del cuerpo que no tienen exposición al
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novembre 26, 2024Like

Support Not Stigma: How to Talk About Lung Cancer

+ Flipbook text Slide 1 Support, Not Stigma How to raise awareness and reduce stigma about lung cancer  Slide 2 The deadliest cancer Each year, lung cancer takes more lives than any other kind of cancer in the U.S. It’s the second most common cancer in women and has one of the lowest survival rates.  But it lacks awareness, funding and support.  Why does lung cancer get so little attention? Slide 3 Stigma keeps lung cancer from getting the attention
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novembre 26, 2024Like

7 Ways to Maintain Healthy Habits During the Holidays

Stop us if this sounds familiar: You’ve been working out and making healthy choices for months and then a whiff of pumpkin pie sends you into a stress spiral anticipating all the ways you’re going to destroy your progress over the holiday season. A lot of people have this mindset that indulging over the holidays leads to major weight gain. But that’s not exactly the case. Although some research shows that weight fluctuation is common during the holidays, one study
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novembre 26, 2024Like

More Research Shows Vaginal Estrogen Is Safe for People with a History of Breast Cancer

A new study is adding to the evidence that vaginal estrogen therapy is a safe option for people with a history of breast cancer. The meta-analysis review of more than 5,000 studies found that women with a history of breast cancer who used local vaginal estrogen (tablets or creams) to treat genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) did not increase their risk of recurrence or breast cancer-related death. Other recent studies have supported the use of vaginal estrogen for GSM in
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novembre 26, 2024Like

The 14 Best Bedtime Products That Help Our Editors Get a Good Night’s Sleep

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. We’ve never had more tools at our disposal to help us get a good night’s sleep, but somehow, sleeping your full eight to 10 hours has never felt harder. It’s the stress, it’s the technology, it’s the holiday season busy-ness — and sometimes, it’s simply having too many sleep product choices. We’re surrounded by supplements, gadgets, noise devices, and
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novembre 26, 2024Like

Apoyo, no estigma: Cómo hablar acerca del cáncer pulmonar

English + Infographic text Apoyo, no estigma Cómo promover la concientización y reducir el estigma del cáncer pulmonar Slide 2 El cáncer más letal Cada año, el cáncer pulmonar toma más vidas que cualquier otro tipo de cáncer en EE.UU. Es el segundo cáncer más común para las mujeres y tiene una de las menores tasas de supervivencia. Pero no hay concientización, fondos ni apoyo. ¿Por qué el cáncer pulmonar recibe tan poca atención? Slide 3 El estigma evita que
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novembre 26, 2024Like

How to Conduct a Skin Cancer Self-Exam If You Have a Darker Skin Tone

Medically reviewed by Lakshi Aldredge, MSN, ANP-BC, DCNP, FAANP + Infographic text Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S.  People with darker skin tones can get melanoma Melanoma — a type of skin cancer — usually comes from exposure to the sun, but not always.  Melanoma in people of color often develops on parts of the body that aren’t exposed to the sun. People of color get melanoma less often. But when they do, it’s often
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novembre 26, 2024Like

New Study Looks At How The Brain Works When It Comes To Stress And Memory

A new study published in Cell looked at how stress disrupts engram ensembles in lateral amygdala to generalize threat memory in mice. “We examined how acute stress impacted fearful memories,” study author Sheena Josselyn, Senior Scientist at Hospital for Sick Children told us. “We found that acute stress before a fearful event generalized the memory of this fearful event. That is, the subjects reacted fearfully both to the cues that predicted the fearful event and also safe cues.”  Although the
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novembre 26, 2024Like

What Is Obesophobia (Fear of Gaining Weight)?

“Your body hears everything your mind says. Stay kind.” In the present scenario, everything is dictated by body image. Be it self-worth, confidence, or even making friends and having good relationships. This is why the biggest fear the younger generation, or can say from ages people have, is the fear of gaining weight, known as Obesophobia.  How often have you stood in front of a mirror and criticized yourself for your looks and body shape? Was the critical voice coming
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novembre 25, 2024Like

I Became a Cancer Survivor at Age 3

As told to Shannon Shelton Miller My status as a cancer survivor has shaped my life. When I was 3, I was playing in the backyard with my older sister, who noticed blood spreading across my clothes. She rushed me into the house and told my parents. They took my clothes off and saw a lump hanging from my body. They took me to the hospital immediately. Later, they’d learn I had rhabdomyosarcoma, a very rare type of cancer that
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