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Blog – Lire les derniers articles

novembre 25, 2024Like

An Implicit Guide To Understand And Treat Lethargy

Do you often use the term “lethargy” without even knowing the exact understanding of it? Well, we all have done it at some point. Lethargy is a condition that is caused by drowsiness, unusual lack of energy, fatigue, and mental alertness. As of now, lethargy is not considered to be a medical or mental health condition. But, do you know it is a symptom of a health condition that needs to be treated or managed to prevent the consequences? According
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novembre 23, 2024Like

Revealed: The Power Of Placebo Effect (Psychologically Explained)

A lot of people on social media believe that the placebo effect is all about positive thinking. But little did we know that there is a lot more about the placebo effect. The placebo effect is ideally based on the idea that our brain can achieve powerful healing simply through conviction. Researchers believe there’s something about the placebo effect that can make a fake treatment look real and stimulate healing. The placebo effect is about building positivity and faith that
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novembre 22, 2024Like

Achievemephobia Or The Fear Of Success: Signs, Causes & How To Overcome This Fear

Success is something we all crave and not something we should be afraid of; however, the fear of success is real and can hold you back from achieving your desired goals. Maybe it’s not the thought of success that’s holding you back but the outcome and the potential loss that may come at the price of success. This fear of success can even lead you to self-sabotage your efforts too. Let’s take a look at what is the fear of
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novembre 21, 2024Like

Bellamy Young Is Putting the Spotlight on Hepatic Encephalopathy

November is National Family Caregivers Month. Award-winning actress Bellamy Young is known for playing strong characters on TV shows like “The Other Black Girl” and “Scandal” (hello, Ms. President!). These days she’s also using the strength of her voice and personal experience to bring awareness to a serious condition called hepatic encephalopathy (HE) that can cause brain damage in people with liver problems. Young’s father was diagnosed with overt HE when she was a teenager. “My dad’s journey with overt
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novembre 21, 2024Like

The Latest Fitness TikTok Trends: Heart or Hype?

Full disclosure: I’m an elliptical girl. I’ve had my current machine — I call her Olivia Newton-Elliptical — for seven years. Before Olivia, Ernie the Elliptical and I moved four times and to three different states before I accepted that no amount of duct tape was going to keep the pedals going (RIProform peace, Ernie.) Overall, I like the simplicity of an elliptical. Step, sweat, see ya next time. I’m also a little lazy, er, loyal and trying new stuff
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novembre 21, 2024Like

5 Expert-Approved Ways to Actually Feel Happier This Holiday Season

The holidays may have been branded the happiest time of year, but parents know how much effort goes into making it that way for their children. Moreover, the holiday season often involves dealing with tricky family situations, worrying about finances, or feeling grief for loved ones who aren’t present — all stressors that can make happiness feel even further out of reach. But you, as a parent, also deserve to experience joy this time of year. As an expert in
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novembre 21, 2024Like

Hormones And Social Anxiety: Exploring The Effect Of Hormones On Social Anxiety

Balanced hormone levels in our body provide a balanced well-being. But, do you know that your hormone levels can also have various effects on social anxiety? Imbalanced hormone levels in the body influence neurotransmitters which results in problems such as social anxiety. People who are struggling with social anxiety disorder (SAD) may be aware of their levels of certain hormones and their impacts on social anxiety. In this blog, we will explore the link between hormones and social anxiety. Let’s
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novembre 20, 2024Like

7 Soft & Gentle Flushable Wipe Brands That Won’t Clog Your Toilet

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. There are some trips to the toilet that require a little extra help, and yes, we’re talking a step beyond your usual toilet paper. You’ve probably noticed more and more flushable wipes on the market recently, specifically designed to help in these extenuating circumstances. Even better: many of them are designed to be flushed down the toilet, as opposed
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novembre 20, 2024Like

Could Breast Cancer Come Back After an Early Diagnosis? What You Need to Know

For those diagnosed with early breast cancer (eBC), completing treatment can bring mixed emotions. While hearing “cancer free” is a relief, it may also come with worries like, “What if my cancer comes back?” The concern is valid, as more than 1 in 3 people diagnosed with stage 2 or 3 HR+, HER2- eBC are at risk of having their cancer come back within 20 years, even though most recurrences happen in the first few years after diagnosis. While those
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novembre 20, 2024Like

WomenTalk: The Link Between Diabetes and Your Heart

In the second episode in our heart health series of WomenTalk, we’ll learn all about the link between heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Cardiologist Payal Kohli, M.D., explains what factors increase our risk of disease and how to lower your risk. Watch more WomenTalk episodes
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novembre 20, 2024Like

“Multidimensional Anger Test”: What Makes This Anger Test Trending On TikTok?

Getting angry when things are going south is common and let’s be real, when we’re under too much stress, anger is the only emotion that comes easily to us. But, how you express anger can be different. Say, if I’m angry then I would keep my anger inside until I’m alone to express it but there are people I know who, in their anger, react quite aggressively. Anger is a powerful emotion and motivator. It can make you productive and
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novembre 19, 2024Like

What Is NAD+ & Does It Help With Fertility?

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. When scrolling through social media, among content about the best hacks to get your perfect night’s sleep and other wellness fads, you’ve probably seen videos about “discovering the fountain of youth.” Influencers and celebrities alike are talking about using NAD+, a key cellular coenzyme, in both supplement and IV form to nourish their cells and promote longevity. You may
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