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février 21, 2025Like

Abilify vs Seroquel: What’s the Difference?

When addressing mental health conditions, Abilify and Seroquel are both commonly prescribed medications. They’re in the same class of drugs — atypical antipsychotics — and are widely used for various mental health treatments and psychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder.  Although they share some similarities, Abilify and Seroquel have important differences. Understanding the clear distinctions between these effective antipsychotic drugs is crucial in choosing the right one, a decision that should always include your doctor or
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février 21, 2025Like

Expert Relationship Advice: 10 Best Tips for Couples

Relationships take effort, understanding, and mutual respect to survive and thrive. Whether you’ve been together 5 years, or 50, or are dating or married, challenges will come up every now and then. When times get tough, you need strategies to help you overcome any obstacle, from emotional disconnect to not communicating effectively. These foundational elements are crucial in relationships, whether you are dating or already married. Most of the time, making small but intentional changes can significantly impact the strength
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février 21, 2025Like

Understanding Why Your Adult Kids Don’t Want to Be Around You

Your baby might be all grown up, yet your love for your child has no end — even when they behave in ways or make decisions you don’t understand. As a parent, it’s natural to feel hurt, confused, and frustrated when your adult kids don’t want to be around you. It’s also normal to feel a shift in your relationship as children become independent. Experiencing distance or estrangement from your adult children can be painful. It can bring up emotions
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février 20, 2025Like

BODi Just Launched a New Subscription Bundle to Help You Fast-track Your Fitness Goals — Here’s How to Save Up to 60%

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. It’s no secret that the best recipe for achieving your fitness goals is a consistent workout plan and proper nutrition. But too often, the overflow of available information adds confusion and leads to overcompensating on what you really need in your daily routine. I totally get it. I’m nearly one year into my fitness journey, and it’s been filled with highs
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février 20, 2025Like

I Missed All the Signs of My Dad’s Liver Disease

As told to Jacquelyne Froeber February 21, 2025, is National Caregivers Day. My dad was the fun parent. Growing up, we did pretty much everything together, but Saturday mornings were my favorite. Dad would turn on the radio and blast the bluegrass music he loved while we tossed a softball in the side yard. Dad was the one who taught me how to throw a proper pitch — and really all the important things you need to know as a
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février 20, 2025Like

Double Texting: What It Is and When to Do It

Double texting is when you send a text, wait for hours, and then press enter to send another text. This dilemma is what many of us face, so you’re not the only one. When communication is instant, and texting has become a norm, a new set of rules (written, of course) has popped up.  Most of which revolve around double texting. Should you send a double text? When is it okay? And when double text turns into being clingy? Let’s
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février 18, 2025Like

Is Sourdough Bread Healthy?

Brittani Blizinski was scrolling through TikTok last year when a post about making sourdough bread caught her eye. She’d never thought of herself as a “bread person,” but there was something about the unique fermenting process and the bubbly, tangy final product that spoke to her. “It just looked like fun,” Blizinski said. And when her husband, Charlie, scoffed at the trend, her competitive side took over. “I asked for a Dutch oven for Christmas, and he said I would
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février 18, 2025Like

New Study Looks At Childhood Obesity And Guided Self-Help

A new study published in PubMed looked at guided self-help versus group treatment for children with obesity. “This study compares the intensive group-based treatment for children with obesity, called family-based treatment, with a guided self-help version which is delivered to the parent /child dyad,” study author Kerri Boutelle told us. “We were interested whether the guided self-help version would provide similar weight losses to the intensive family-based treatment.”   According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 in
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février 18, 2025Like

Le lien entre une alimentation équilibrée, l’exercice physique et le bien-être mental

Le lien essentiel entre alimentation, exercice et bien-être mental La quête du bien-être mental est un sujet qui touche de plus en plus de personnes. Parmi les nombreux facteurs qui influencent notre état psychologique, deux éléments se distinguent particulièrement : l’alimentation équilibrée et l’exercice physique. Ces deux pratiques, bien que souvent abordées séparément, sont en réalité profondément interconnectées et contribuent de manière significative à notre bien-être mental. Dans cette réflexion, nous explorerons comment une alimentation saine et une activité physique
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février 18, 2025Like

L’effet combiné de l’alimentation et du sport sur le bien-être psychologique

Le bien-être psychologique est un état de satisfaction et d’équilibre mental qui influence de manière significative notre capacité à faire face aux défis quotidiens. Il est le résultat d’une interaction complexe entre plusieurs facteurs, dont l’alimentation et l’exercice physique, deux éléments souvent négligés mais essentiels à notre santé mentale. Ce texte explore comment ces deux pratiques, lorsqu’elles sont associées, peuvent contribuer à améliorer notre bien-être psychologique. L’impact de l’alimentation sur le bien-être psychologique L’alimentation joue un rôle fondamental dans le
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février 18, 2025Like

Comment l’alimentation et le sport favorisent la santé mentale

La santé mentale est un aspect essentiel de notre bien-être global. Si elle est souvent perçue à travers des facteurs psychologiques et émotionnels, elle est également influencée par des éléments physiques, notamment l’alimentation et l’exercice physique. Ces deux éléments peuvent jouer un rôle crucial dans l’amélioration et le maintien d’une bonne santé mentale, en agissant sur le cerveau et en régulant nos émotions et notre humeur. L’impact de l’alimentation sur la santé mentale L’alimentation ne se limite pas à fournir
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février 18, 2025Like

Contribution de la nutrition et du sport au bien-être mental

Le bien-être mental est un aspect fondamental de la santé globale. Il influence non seulement nos pensées et nos émotions, mais également notre capacité à faire face aux défis quotidiens. Parmi les multiples facteurs qui contribuent à la santé mentale, la nutrition et le sport jouent un rôle essentiel et souvent sous-estimé. Ces deux éléments interagissent de manière complexe pour favoriser un équilibre psychologique optimal. Le lien entre alimentation et bien-être mental La nutrition a un impact direct sur la
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