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novembre 2, 2024Like
Cortisol Face: What Is It, Symptoms, Causes, Reduction Strategies, And More!
Seeing our puffy faces right after waking up is not something we wish for! TikTok and other social media platforms are all about Cortisol Face these days! A puffed face or swollen face makes me more anxious. Do you know why our faces look like this? Well, this happens because of cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone in the body. The excessive hormonal rush of cortisol in the body makes our face look more bloated and puffier, causing a “cortisol calmsage
novembre 1, 2024Like
Gift Yourself A Good Time—Babeland’s Early Black Friday Sale Is Here, With Toys Up to 50% Off
If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are still weeks away, but Babeland is getting the holiday season started with serious sales all November long. I’m talking 50 percent off serious. There’s no better time to add to your sex toy collection or to stock up on spicy gifts for friends or a partner. Not sure where to start? Below are shek
novembre 1, 2024Like
Why Do I Attract Narcissists?
Each time you attract a narcissist, do you promise yourself that you will not repeat the same mistake? Still, the same story continues. If that is the case, surely you must be wondering, why do you keep attracting narcissists? What traits do you have that are attracting narcissists, and how do you stop this? If the answer to all this is a yes, you are in luck, as we are going to discuss different ways in which you can stop calmsage
octobre 31, 2024Like
Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer Means the Pandemic Isn’t ‘Over’ for Me
As told to Jacquelyne Froeber October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I was in the produce aisle of the Winn-Dixie when a grown man coughed on me. Loudly. I froze — a ripened tomato in my hand. I felt the weight of it and noted the subtle spray of the cough on its bright red skin. This was no accident. I’d seen that man moments earlier change direction and make a beeline for me. As I stood there seething, I Healthy
octobre 31, 2024Like
6 Election Anxiety Tips for Your First Time Voter
Can you feel your anxiety rising to a boiling point as Election Day creeps closer and closer? Are you getting more stressed with every news feed alert? Are you simultaneously ready for the election to be over and terrified about what it might bring? If you answered yes to any of those questions, congratulations — you’re in the throes of election anxiety, just like the rest of us. And when we say “the rest of us,” we really mean it. shek
octobre 31, 2024Like
Treatment Options for Colon Cancer
Medically reviewed by Chloe Atreya, M.D. + Infographic text Colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer, is one of the most common cancers in the US. There are several treatment options and the best treatment depends on how far the cancer has progressed. Sometimes, more than one treatment option is combined. Surgery Polypectomy A special tool is used to detach and remove polyp(s) from the colon Performed during a colonoscopy for superficial, early stage cancer Colectomy Removes part or all Healthy
octobre 31, 2024Like
Opciones de tratamiento para el cáncer de colon
English Chloe Atreya, M.D., hizo la revisión médica de este documento. + Infographic text El cáncer de colon, también conocido como cáncer colorrectal, es uno de los tipos más comunes en EE.UU. Hay algunas opciones de tratamiento y la mejor depende de cuánto haya progresado el cáncer. A veces, se combinan varias opciones de tratamiento. Cirugía Polipectomía Se usa una herramienta especial para separar y remover pólipos del colon Se realiza durante una colonoscopía para cánceres superficiales en etapas tempranas Healthy
octobre 31, 2024Like
Gifts May Have A Greater Impact Than Conversation
If you want to cheer up a friend or loved one, consider giving them a small gift. Research suggests that gift giving may lift their mood faster and more effectively than a conversation. “Many people are having a hard time these days, and their loved ones often want to support them, but they do not always know how to do it. Conversations are generally considered to be the “gold standard” way of providing support, but would-be support providers often struggle theravive
octobre 31, 2024Like
Understanding The Relationship Between Endocrine System And Mental Health
A lot of people struggle with hormonal issues around the globe. Hormonal issues not only affect physical health, but few people know that they also regulate our emotions and moods. Hormonal disorders, issues, or changes can cause mood swings, depression, anxiety, irritability, stress, and more. In our body, the endocrine system maintains a network of organs and glands that produce and release hormones into the blood. This shows that the endocrine system and mental health are deeply connected with each calmsage
octobre 31, 2024Like
Online Grief Support Groups Can Both Help And Harm
Online grief support groups can both help and harm participants. More than 50% of people in the US will grieve a loved one who died by suicide, and almost three quarters of them will look to internet support groups for help. But are online support groups beneficial or detrimental? Researchers at the New university of Colorado Boulder suggest it’s a bit of both. “62% of people who have lost a loved one to suicide are finding support in social media theravive
octobre 30, 2024Like
Señales y síntomas del cáncer ovárico
English Blair McNamara, M.D., hizo la revisión médica de este documento. + Infographic text Casi 20,000 mujeres en Estados Unidos recibirán un diagnóstico de cáncer ovárico (cáncer de los ovarios) en 2024. “El asesino silencioso” No hay una prueba para detectar el cáncer ovárico, así que puede pasar desapercibido durante mucho tiempo. Los síntomas del cáncer ovárico frecuentemente no se notan o se confunden con los de otros trastornos. El cáncer ovárico frecuentemente se diagnostica en etapas avanzadas, lo Healthy
octobre 30, 2024Like
Les symptômes de l’anxiété provoquée par la sensibilité au bruit
L’anxiété provoquée par la sensibilité au bruit, également appelée misophonie ou hyperacousie, est un phénomène qui peut affecter profondément la qualité de vie des personnes qui en souffrent. Ces individus réagissent de manière excessive à certains sons du quotidien qui, pour la plupart des gens, sont anodins. Les symptômes liés à cette hypersensibilité sonore peuvent se manifester sous plusieurs formes et varient en intensité d’une personne à l’autre. L’un des premiers symptômes est une réaction émotionnelle intense lorsqu’une personne est