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octobre 24, 2024Like

Self-Care for Teachers: 11 Tips from Experts

Teaching is widely regarded as one of the noblest professions, as teachers play a vital role in shaping the minds of the future. Their job requires patience, time, energy, will, and dedication, and even though it can be rewarding, teaching is also incredibly demanding.  Lesson planning, grading, classroom management, meetings with parents, staff and faculty meetings, and professional development obligations leave many teachers little time to care for their own well-being. That said, self-care for teachers is crucial for balancing
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octobre 24, 2024Like

Self-Care for Women: 19 Ideas to Prioritize You

For many women, life is a juggling act where responsibilities pull them in multiple directions every day. From managing a career to maintaining friendships to keeping up with household duties…women are busy. In the middle of all these demands, it can be easy to put yourself last, but self-care isn’t a luxury. A self-care routine is a necessity for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Prioritizing your needs is anything but selfish. It’s a lifeline to becoming the best version
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octobre 24, 2024Like

Thriving as a Working Mom: Secrets to Success

Every mother is a working mom, but raising children while maintaining an outside career can be an incredibly daunting and isolating experience. If you’re juggling a job, child care, and trying to find time for yourself, learning how to be a working mom who thrives in all areas of life is crucial.  Keep reading to learn actionable strategies that will empower you. The working mom tips here are designed to help you today so that tomorrow, you can feel more
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octobre 24, 2024Like

The Loneliness of Motherhood

If you’re feeling the weight of loneliness in motherhood, knowing you’re not the only one is crucial. Many mothers grapple with the feeling that motherhood is lonely. In fact, recent research shows that 66% of parents experience loneliness, and a staggering 69% of mothers are likely to feel mom loneliness at some point. One of the biggest challenges for a new mom is that motherhood is so often touted as one of life’s greatest joys. This perception can cause serious
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octobre 24, 2024Like

Exploring the Differences: Systematic Desensitization vs. Flooding Therapy

Feeling fearful and anxious is often paralyzing. This is why people are ready to go to any length to avoid triggers like dogs, heights, spiders, closed spaces, or anything else. If you are also doing similar things and triggers disrupt your life, you should pay attention to them and take a concrete step. Different therapies have been proposed to deal with such situations. Systematic desensitization and flooding, which are part of exposure therapy, are popular as they help overcome the
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octobre 24, 2024Like

Comment le stress affecte les minorités

Le stress est une réponse biologique naturelle à des situations perçues comme menaçantes ou difficiles. Toutefois, les minorités raciales, ethniques, sexuelles et autres groupes marginalisés subissent souvent un stress chronique et disproportionné en raison de la discrimination, des inégalités socio-économiques et d’autres facteurs structurels. Cet article explore comment le stress affecte les minorités, en examinant ses causes, ses manifestations et ses impacts à long terme. Causes du Stress chez les Minorités Discrimination et Racisme La discrimination, qu’elle soit manifeste ou
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octobre 23, 2024Like

Men and Stress: A Silent Struggle

Stress is an undeniable part of life. It’s even healthy in some instances — but for a lot of men, it’s something they struggle silently with. Research estimates that 8 in 10 men experienced moderate to extreme stress in the last year. Societal expectations and stigmas that exist around mental health prevent some men from even acknowledging they feel stressed at all — and seeking help is out of the question. After all, we live in a culture that promotes
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octobre 23, 2024Like

Boosting Men’s Mental Health: 11 Expert Tips

Content warning: This article discusses suicide. If you or someone you love is in crisis, reach out to the 988 Lifeline for help. This free, confidential resource is available by phone, text, or chat. Talking to someone can save your life. We must address the alarming state of men’s mental health. Recent studies reveal a stark reality: Men are 4x more likely to die by suicide Men struggle to differentiate stress from depression Approximately 1 out of every 10 men
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octobre 23, 2024Like

Self-Care for Men: 17 Effective Ideas

Men live in a fast-paced, high-pressure world today. Societal pressures, outdated stereotypes, and a widespread cultural belief that they need to be tough have discouraged some men from prioritizing their mental well-being.  Many men equate self-care with weakness or ‘feminine indulgence,’ but self-care is more important than ever, even for men. As the perspective shifts and men start to recognize the benefits of taking care of their physical, mental, and emotional health, self-care might be something you want to implement
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octobre 23, 2024Like

Olivia Munn Stands Strong in Skims Campaign Showing Mastectomy Scars: ‘Proof of How Hard I Fought’

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. Olivia Munn is owning her scars. The X-Men: Apocalypse star revealed her double mastectomy scars today in a new photoshoot with Skims, after revealing earlier this year that she’d been diagnosed with and treated for Luminal B breast cancer. Since coming forward, Munn has become a strong advocate for extra breast cancer screening, including the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment
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octobre 23, 2024Like

Mi cáncer endometrial se mantuvo oculto durante la menopausia

Español Tal como se relató a Erica Rimlinger No sabía que estaba atravesando la menopausia. Estaba experimentando “el cambio”. Al igual que muchas mujeres de mi generación, crecí en un hogar, en una comunidad y en una sociedad en dónde no se hablaba mucho del “cambio” y de los “problemas” que se presentaban cuando llegabas a “cierta edad”. Aprendí de generaciones pasadas de mujeres en mi familia y de mi comunidad que no se deben usar palabras claras en conversaciones
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octobre 23, 2024Like

ADHD Spouse Burnout: What Is It, Symptoms, How To Cope, And More

Managing a partner with ADHD is the most challenging thing to do, their symptoms and triggers not only impact them but can also result in feelings of frustration and sadness in the other spouse. Dealing with the challenges of ADHD can impact the marriage or relationship directly. The common symptoms of ADHD such as impulsiveness, distractibility, and inattention can be overwhelming. Surprisingly, there are various strategies that can help a spouse with ADHD make the relationship work. In this blog, we
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