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octobre 22, 2024Like

I’m Proud to Be the Founder of Moms on Mushrooms

As told to Jacquelyne Froeber In 2019, my best friend/business partner and I took our very successful “parentally incorrect” live comedy act, “The Pump and Dump Show,” to the next level. After touring the country for six years and performing in front of thousands of mothers, we decided it was time to grow the show and bring new performers into the fold. So, we essentially “franchised” ourselves and poured our hearts, creativity, souls and a lot of money into producing
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octobre 22, 2024Like

Self-Care for Caregivers: 10 Ideas to Care for Yourself Too

Taking on the role of caregiver isn’t easy. On any given day the job can be demanding and exhausting, even if it’s something you signed up for.  Caregivers are constantly juggling things like doctor’s appointments, prescription refills, medication schedules, and other daily tasks — all while trying to keep their own lives together. It’s no wonder so many of them feel burned out and emotionally drained. Recent research found that between 40% – 70% have symptoms of caregiver depression. That’s
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octobre 22, 2024Like

Escaping Loneliness in Retirement

Retirement is supposed to be an exciting time in your life. You’ve worked for years and are more ready than ever to relax — and you’ve earned it! So why are you feeling lonely? Loneliness in retirement is more common than you might realize. Fortunately, there is something you can do to combat loneliness and prevent it. Read on for practical tips and insights to help you cope if you’re retired and lonely. Is it Normal to Feel Lost When
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octobre 22, 2024Like

Gray Divorce: Overcoming a Split in Your Older Years

The term “gray divorce” was coined to describe the growing trend of older couples ending their marriage. While research suggests that overall divorce rates have gone down in recent years, studies also show that one age group — adults 65 years and older — has increasing rates of divorce. Today, nearly 36% of adults in the United States who divorce are older than 50.  Divorcing during the golden years brings unique challenges that can be emotionally devastating and socially isolating.
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octobre 22, 2024Like

Feeling Trapped Caring for Elderly Parents? Here’s How to Cope

Even if you willingly sign up to do it, as most people do, feeling trapped when caring for elderly parents is normal. The job can be one of the most rewarding — but overwhelming — things you’ll ever take on. In fact, it can be downright exhausting some days.  First, there’s the emotional aspect of coming to terms with the fact that the parent has become the one being taken care of. Couple this new family dynamic with the physical,
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octobre 22, 2024Like

Navigating Life as a Military Spouse

In many ways, military spouses are the backbone of the resilience and stability that service members demonstrate every day as they protect their country. Military spouse life often requires  strength and sacrifice. From frequently relocating their families and homes to dealing with long separations, the life of a military spouse is full of challenges and rewards. The Unique Life of a Military Spouse Being married to a service member means being willing to embrace a lifestyle that’s strikingly different from
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octobre 22, 2024Like

Caregiver Depression: Recognizing Signs & Finding Support

Caregiver depression is a concern for anyone who provides long-term care for someone else. Whether it’s your profession or you’re caring for an aging parent, child with special needs, or partner with a chronic illness, depression and caregiving often go hand-in-hand as a result of the overwhelming emotional, mental, and physical demands the job requires. Research suggests up to 20% of caregivers experience some form of depression.  Caretakers may experience a profound sense of isolation, sadness, hopelessness, and even guilt.
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octobre 22, 2024Like

Compassion Fatigue vs. Burnout: What’s the Difference?

Taking care of someone who needs you is noble, but it can be taxing, too. Compassion fatigue and burnout are common for people who work in high-stress caretaking professions — and while the terms are often used interchangeably, they’re not the same thing.  With a growing awareness about mental health issues in caregiving, it’s important to explore the differences between compassion fatigue vs. burnout. Understanding as much as possible will help you recognize symptoms so you can seek help and
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octobre 22, 2024Like

How to Deal with Difficult Family Members

Dealing with difficult family members is never easy, and challenging relationships can be overwhelming, stressful, and painful. When you have the right strategies to help you manage your interactions, though, you can improve a difficult family dynamic in big ways.  It’s important, too. Research shows that families rely on one another for support in several areas of life — including emotional, economic, and physical aspects, to name just a few. It also suggests that the quality of family relationships can
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octobre 22, 2024Like

I Hate My Family: Understanding & Navigating Emotions

Admitting feelings of hatred toward family members is an incredibly complex and jarring process. Your emotions can be a mix of guilt, confusion, anger, frustration, and pain. While it might be hard to come to terms with your feelings toward a parent, sibling, or another family member, it’s essential to recognize that this is more common than you think. Your feelings are valid and can stem from various sources, like unresolved conflict, unmet needs, unhealthy expectations, or deep-seated resentment. Keep
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octobre 22, 2024Like

Losing a Patient: Navigating Grief & Finding Resilience

Losing a patient is one of the most difficult and profound aspects of any healthcare professional’s job. Whether you’re a nurse, doctor, therapist, CNA, or hospice care worker, the grief you experience after a patient’s death can be deeply personal…and excruciatingly painful.  Research shows that it’s common for providers to experience “moderate” or “long-term” grief after the death of a patient. Some studies suggest that the lingering weight can impact a provider’s sense of well-being. After all, death is a
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octobre 22, 2024Like

How To Find the Right Therapist for Your Teen, According to an Expert

Navigating the world of therapy for your teen or tween can feel like a big, intimidating task. You might wonder: Where do I even begin? Will my teen open up to a complete stranger? How do I know I can trust this person with my kid? The pressure to find the “perfect fit” can be overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to support your child through a challenging time. But here’s a secret: finding a therapist is a lot less like
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