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mai 11, 2022Like
Body Positive Fitness Instagram Accounts To Follow for Non-Toxic Inspo
Every year as it gets warmer, the scourge of summer diet culture returns to make people feel weird and off about their bodies. Remember: The devil works hard but people who want you to feel bad about your body and buy stuff to change it work harder! Combined with the ways that hyper-visual social media (oh hey, Instagram!) can contribute to making people lose sight of all the ways bodies can be diversely beautiful, strong, powerful and good, sometimes your shek
mai 11, 2022Like
Baptist Health Care Plans Behavioral Health Unit In Florida
Baptist Health Care in Pensacola, Fla., is planning a new $30 million inpatient behavioral health unit as part of its new Baptist Hospital campus in Pensacola, according to an article in The 50,000-square-foot project will include 72 beds with 36 adult beds, 10 geriatric beds, 14 adolescent beds, and 12 pediatric beds. A dayroom, sensory room, meeting spaces, gardens, and town square are also planned. It is slated to open in fall 2023. The post Baptist Health Care Plans healthcare
mai 11, 2022Like
The Truth About Being a Cancer Warrior
When I found out I had breast cancer, I decided to be open about my diagnosis. I wanted my interactions with people, even those on the outer rungs of my social circle, to be authentic — a quality I didn’t think I’d convey with an undisclosed elephant-sized cancer diagnosis in the room. Messages of support poured in. People wanted me to know I would beat it because I was strong, a fighter, a warrior even. The day I got my Healthy
mai 11, 2022Like
Lahey Hospital & Medical Center Completes Simulation Lab
Lahey Hospital & Medical Center (LHMC) in Burlington, Mass., a tertiary academic medical center, completed a new simulation lab. LHMC’s Professional Development and Samuel and Nancy Jo Altschuler Simulation Center allows providers to work in a realistic healthcare setting using the latest technology and training methods. There, they will learn new techniques, strengthen teamwork, and optimize their response to crises and unanticipated events. The center houses a functional operating room and exam room, supplemented by simulation spaces, as well as healthcare
mai 11, 2022Like
You & Your Brain: A Collaboration of HealthyWomen, Prevention & Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement at Cleveland Clinic
A message from Maria Shriver Have you ever had a gut feeling about a decision? Or felt sick to your stomach over bad news? Experts say that’s because the gut is nearly as powerful a force as the brain, affecting your physical and mental health. Join moderator Joan Lunden and leading experts in brain health on June 9, 2022 at noon ET to learn about the powerful gut-brain connection and how what you eat might affect anxiety and mood, increase Healthy
mai 11, 2022Like
How Decluttering is Good for Your Mental Health
These days dealing with stress is a common occurrence and all of us have different ways of stress relief, don’t we? I mean, some people (much like me) prefer stress baking while others may prefer going for a massage. You may prefer doing yoga while your neighbor may prefer stress cleaning. Yes, you read it right! Stress cleaning. Personally, the idea of decluttering and cleaning my house gives me stress but some people benefit from cleaning and decluttering their living calmsage
mai 11, 2022Like
7 Best Yoga Asanas To Help Cure Depression
I’ve heard, and I suspect you’ve heard too if you’re struggling with depression, that doing meditation, some self-reflection, and practicing yoga can cure depression. I’ve had my reservations regarding these statements because how are you supposed to practice yoga when you don’t have enough energy to get out of bed. Yoga and depression are something that I never believed can go hand in hand until I tried them myself. In this blog, I’ll help you discover how you can practice calmsage
mai 11, 2022Like
What is Music Meditation: How To Meditate With Music
Music has been present for centuries and healing people with various illnesses for decades. However, the big question is can you meditate with music? From relieving stress to improving overall health, music has many benefits. Music therapy has been getting more and more attention with every year that passes. It has proven to elevate mood, regulate breathing, and help in relaxation. Talking about one of the most beneficial stress management techniques, meditation helps us calm our bodies and minds along calmsage
mai 11, 2022Like
Grace Victory: The power of vulnerability
Grace Victory joins Happiful’s podcast I am. I have to share her thoughts on therapy, Motherhood, vulnerability and the restorative energy of the sea “I’m good, but I’m going through it. I’m not going to lie,” Happiful’s columnist Grace Victory shares, explaining that the podcast recording follows an intense day and one of her twice weekly therapy sessions. “I’ve been in therapy for years but we’ve got to a point where there’s just so much to talk about and work happi
mai 10, 2022Like
7 Practical & Effective Parenting Tips to Help Your Autistic Kid
List of Contents What Is High Functioning Autism?1.Build a rapport with your high functioning autistic children2.Work on increasing social awareness3.Identify their communication asset4.Teach them some calming strategies5.Help them learn to become flexible and adapt well to sudden changes6.Tell them about their condition to increase autism awareness7.Meet with other parents According to World Health Organization (WHO) 1 in every 100 children is diagnosed with High functioning autism all around the world. It is difficult for your child and for you to live calmsage
mai 10, 2022Like
Answers to Your Questions About What It’s Really Like to Be in a Dom/Sub Relationship
I accidentally crossed paths with my first Dominant online when I was going through a divorce seven years ago. My first thought was to run away fast: He must be some whip-toting freak with a dungeon in his basement. Fast-forward to today and I have three Dominant/submissive (D/s) relationships behind me (though I’ve had vanilla relationships, too), and I can honestly say that each relationship built on the former and has taught me profound things about my body, myself, and shek
mai 10, 2022Like
The Acne Positive Movement Is Growing With Gen Z & Even Adults Can Learn from Them on This
Thanks to the acne positive moment, the hashtag #acne hits different these days compared to a few years ago. The movement that’s been spearheaded by Generation Z is all embracing blemished skin and working to destigmatize pimples. Bloggers like Hailey Wait and and Kadeeja Khan, as well as celebrities like Kendall Jenner and Justin Bieber, are heralding “zits are in!” For so many teens and adults who experience acne, much like body positivity, the acne positivity movement can be seen shek