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mai 9, 2022Like

Hakomi Therapy: Principles, Techniques & Much More…

Hakomi therapy is a body centered experiential psychotherapy. The Hakomi Method aims at supporting and providing change through internal awareness. Most of the techniques used in hakomi therapy have taken inspiration from concepts like mindfulness, empathy & being in the present moment. The Hakomi Therapy also uses a lot of somatic awareness (touch) along with its experiential hakomi techniques to foster personal and psychological growth. So, what happens in the therapy is, a trained hakomi therapist tries to uncover the
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mai 9, 2022Like

What is Spiritual Meditation : Benefits, and How to Practice

List of Contents What Is Spiritual Meditation?The Characteristics Of Spiritual Healing MeditationThe Benefits Of Spiritual MeditationHow To Incorporate Spiritual Meditation?Is there a time to practice spiritual meditation? “The quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” This is how spirituality can be defined so how does spiritual meditation work? Is it the same as others? Spiritual meditation has been practiced for centuries around the world, in countless cultures. While some people
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mai 9, 2022Like

Six loneliness myths debunked

Despite advances in technology, and travel, more and more people are feeling alone. Here, we’re debunking six misconceptions about loneliness, and providing key steps to manage and improve it Social ties are what unite us, providing validation, and making us feel seen and heard. But when those ties are broken, we can be left feeling completely alone, even in a crowded room. And this is why it’s so important to really understand the impact of loneliness, to cut through the
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mai 8, 2022Like

Psychodrama Therapy: Meaning, Aims & Techniques!

Psychodrama therapy has a creative bend to it, there is a lot of ‘drama’ involved, as the name suggests. Psychodrama therapy was developed by Jacob Levy Moreno, who was also the one who coined ‘group psychotherapy’. Psychodrama therapy is also performed in groups. It is a very experimental kind of therapeutic intervention where you revisit your past experiences. These past experiences which perhaps were painful or traumatic are mimicked in the present so that you can reanalysis them and reprocess
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mai 8, 2022Like

What is Radical Acceptance? How to Practice it?

Radical acceptance revolves around the concept of suffering. It says that suffering does not directly come from pain, however; suffering comes from the attachment to the pain. We all know that acceptance is all about taking the first step towards positive change. However, radical acceptance is slightly different from acceptance. Let’s read what is radical acceptance? Related Read: The Power of Self-Acceptance What is Radical Acceptance? Radical acceptance is the ability to accept uncontrollable situations without judging them. This reduces
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mai 8, 2022Like

Pregnancy and eating disorders: when a new life brings new challenges

For mothers-to-be with eating disorders, the emotions, fears, and uncertainties of pregnancy can be magnified – and triggering As I sit sipping a glass of ice-cold water, overlooking the San Francisco skyline on my final trip pre-baby, I can’t help but reflect on the past few months, and feel a slight sense of apprehension about what’s to come. I look down at my bump, growing by the day, and my brain is in turmoil. What will happen to my body?
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mai 7, 2022Like

How to be supportive of your partner’s sexual fetish

It can be hard to know how to deal with a partner’s sexual fetish. It’s not like we are ever taught how to handle this sort of thing, regardless of how common an issue it may be behind closed doors. If, hypothetically, we had studied Intimate Relationship Skills 101: How to Deal With Your Partner’s Sexual Fetish back in high school, maybe we’d be better equipped. So, whether his idea of a turn on involves him wearing women’s underwear (cross-dressing), whipping
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mai 7, 2022Like

Emotional Regulation Tips: 8 Must Try Emotional Regulation Strategies

Emotional regulation is very important for all of us to lead a balanced and stable life. Our emotions and feelings are the most important aspect of our being. Sometimes we can be so heavily controlled by our emotions that we don’t think right! When your emotions begin to overwhelm you, know that it’s time to bring in your emotional regulation strategies. Not everyone is able enough to manage their emotions well because of mere lack of emotional regulation skills. When
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mai 7, 2022Like

Become a More Joyful Person in 30 Days With Our Happiness Challenge

What is happiness to you? To me it’s the feeling of peace and calm, it’s being comfortable, it’s having the time to sit in my garden and be with my plants, it’s so many more things and there are so many different types of happiness. But, am I doing even one of these a day? Are you doing things that make you happy everyday? No? That’s why we have a 30-day happiness challenge just for you. We will give you
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mai 7, 2022Like

Are You A Chronic Worrier? Look For These Signs (How To Stop Chronic Worrying)

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” – Corrie Ten Boom Do you worry about your future? Do you worry about the results of your tests? Do you worry about what you’ll wear for tomorrow’s meeting? Do you worry even when you’re not sure if there is something to be worried about? Well, have you considered that you could be a chronic worrier who even worries about being worried? Trust me, everyone worries
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mai 6, 2022Like

New to Sex Toys? These Intuitive Vibrators Are Perfect for Beginners

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. When it comes to radically embracing pleasure, the sexual revolution is fully underway, yet some of us are still a little shy about making that first big sex toy purchase. It’s totally understandable  — getting your first vibrator can be intimidating, especially given how many options there are. But most toys are far less complicated than they seem, and once
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mai 6, 2022Like

Call To Action

Two years after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the growing acknowledgment of systemic racism in the U.S., many of us are asking: “What can we do? Can we make a difference through design?” The problems are rooted in more than what and how we design; it’s also who is designing. The architects and designers in the healthcare industry are rarely representative of the groups being impacted by injustice. According to recent National Council of Architectural Registration Boards
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