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mai 2, 2022Like

Here’s Why It’s Time to Finally Part Ways with Your Scale

Janu Yasotharan was 13 when she learned her body wasnt right. After a particularly upsetting shopping trip with her aunt during which only the largest clothing sizes fit, she came home and was told to step on the bathroom scale. Thats when my downward spiral started, she says. I felt so guilty, so self-conscious. Like I was a bad kid.Growing up in Montreal and Toronto, Yasotharan was an avid athlete, playing soccer and running track and field competitively. Over the
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mai 2, 2022Like

Stantec Adds Talent To Hawaii Healthcare Practice

Global design firm Stantec expanded its healthcare practice in Hawaii with the addition of Marni Tam as healthcare principal; Sundae Funai as senior project manager; and Kwan Law as senior design coordinator. Tam has 29 years of experience in the design and delivery of complex healthcare projects, including the Bone & Joint Center for Pali Momi Medical Center in Aiea, Hawaii, and the Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu. Funai brings more than 30 years of architectural experience, with the last
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mai 2, 2022Like

Chemo Day Is Always Better With Costumes, Wigs and Props

As told to Erica Rimlinger The chemotherapy treatment center has a subdued, sterile energy. Since I’m fighting metastatic breast cancer, I spend a lot of time there. My friends and family have loaded me up with books, tea mugs and quilts to help me while away the hours during my chemo treatments. But I’ve never been one to sit quietly in a chair, drinking tea and staring out the window. I started frequenting chemo centers in 2017 when I was
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mai 2, 2022Like

FIRST LOOK: Hackensack Meridian Old Bridge Medical Center

Hackensack Meridian’s Old Bridge Medical Center is an acute care hospital located in Old Bridge, N.J. To meet the evolving needs of the local community and broaden its emergency services and overall capacity, the organization enlisted Philadelphia and New York-based architecture and design firm FCA to expand the existing campus and implement a new emergency department (ED). Slated for completion in the first quarter of 2022, the 24,000-square-foot expansion nearly doubles Old Bridge Medical Center’s ED footprint. The design team’s
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mai 2, 2022Like

Catching Up

As I write this, I’m enjoying a brief pause from a whirlwind of recent travel. It seems, just like that, life is back to some semblance of normal. And while my body’s still trying to get used to jet lag, hotel sleep, and meals on the road, I know you’re right there with me. As I’ve bounced around from meeting to meeting and conference to conference, I’ve had the joy of running into many of you along my way. I’ve
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mai 2, 2022Like

10 Easy (And Powerful) Ways To Relieve Depersonalization

If you frequently find yourself feeling detached from reality then you may be experiencing depersonalization. Depersonalization can be unnerving and disturbing but the best part is that you can stop depersonalization by using some self-care tools – short-term and long-term. Depersonalization is a type of dissociation that is often caused by a traumatic experience or by experiencing a stressful situation such as a panic attack, abuse, or assault. Depersonalization can also be caused by using recreational substances such as cannabis.
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mai 2, 2022Like

5 Mother’s Day Gifts That Promote Mental Wellness

What are the odds that May is the month of mental awareness and celebration of motherhood, Mother’s Day? Well, putting aside all the odds, the month of May is dedicated to two important M’s of our lives Mother and Mental Health. We all love our MOM! Don’t we? From being our creator to cradle, comfy cushion to constant support, she has always been there for us. She definitely deserves to be treated with the best each day. But, if it
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mai 2, 2022Like

Stress management in everyday life

From mounting pressures at work, to financial worries, or concerns around your health, there are myriad of ways stress can build, so it’s essential to address before things escalate. Our expert columnist Bhavna Raithatha explores how stress develops, and offers practical solutions to help manage the tensions in your life right now Stress affects everyone, from young children to the elderly, as we live in an increasingly stressful world. People are expected to do, think, and give continuously. There is
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mai 2, 2022Like

News: Does Smoking Work As A Coping Mechanism?

There are a lot of campaigns going out around the globe for mental health awareness, workshops are organized, and webinars are conducted for smoking cessation. Still, a recent study shows that the sale of cigarettes and smoking has increased again in the last two decades. The study is linked with the anxiety caused during pandemics, inaccessible mental health care, and a substitute for everyday stress. Research shows that smoking decreased over a few years but it seems like the problem
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mai 1, 2022Like

10 Best Alternative to BetterHelp in 2022

Years ago, going to therapy meant going to a therapist’s office, waiting for hours for your appointment, and then sitting on a couch to share your woes for a limited time. But now things are quite different. All you need to make it to therapy is a laptop, a stable internet connection, and a comfortable, private space in your home. With many online therapy platforms and apps, getting therapy has become as convenient as ordering takeout from the comfort of
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mai 1, 2022Like

If You See These Signs, Then It’s Time To Walk Away From A Relationship

“To love is easy, to be in a relationship is extremely difficult.” — Santosh Kalwar Don’t you agree with this quote? Loving someone can be easy but to be in a relationship can be quite challenging and even more challenging can be walking away from a relationship or from someone you love.  After being in love for years with your partner, you may assume that this love is going to stay forever yet now you’re wondering if this love is
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mai 1, 2022Like

How To Create Your Self-Care Checklist To Suit Your Daily Needs

Life these days is an unrestrained roller coaster – some days we may feel emotionally satisfied and well but then other days, the challenges we face can be too much to handle. Retreating behind a shell when bad days hit is okay but not having a self-care plan for said bad days isn’t. Self-care is not only about taking care of yourself physically but also taking care of your mental, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. Only when you’re overall well, you
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