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avril 30, 2022Like

Grounding Aka Earthing: What is it, Benefits, Types, And More

Grounding is also known as Earthing which means directly connecting our bodies with the Earth and making use of natural electric charges for stabilizing them. The practice of grounding includes walking barefoot outdoors or using grounding systems while sitting or sleeping indoors. Earthing has various benefits on our mental health and there are different types of grounding techniques used for treating mental health issues like stress, chronic pain, and overall improvement of mental wellbeing. Various techniques used in grounding help
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avril 30, 2022Like

Pourquoi vous devriez écouter vos émotions ?

Nous sous-estimons souvent l’impact que nos émotions peuvent avoir sur notre vie quotidienne. On se penche ici sur le thème des émotions et propose un exercice pratique pour vous aider à prendre conscience des vôtres. Et si nous pouvions voir nos émotions comme une partie importante de nous-mêmes ? Que se passerait-il si nous pouvions les considérer comme des ressources clés pour vivre des vies plus authentiques et plus connectées ? le crois que les émotions sont mal comprises, et
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avril 30, 2022Like

Breaking The Stigma Around ADHD (Effects, Tips, & More)

Living with a mental health disorder is nothing to be ashamed of, however, the sigmas (and myths) around mental health disorders can spread misinformation and can even prevent people from seeking the help they need. There is nothing wrong with being diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) but in the world where stigma around ADHD is prevalent, it can be seen as something flawed or even weak. The stigma around ADHD can cause one to feel ashamed about their
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avril 30, 2022Like

12 I dos and don’ts to make your wedding day less stressful

When somebody says ‘wedding’, what comes to mind? Big poofy dresses, family, friends, sleepless nights, runaway budgets – wait, what? A wedding is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. Yet so many of us feel stressed, overwhelmed, and unsure where to start when it comes to planning our big day. When I got engaged back in 2017, it took months for the reality of it all to really sink in. Then, the nerves hit. Just the thought
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avril 29, 2022Like

Waterproof Vibrators You Can Bring Into the Shower with You

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. Many of us have had the bright idea to take our favorite sex toys outside of the bedroom—and into the shower. The only issue with this plan? While many sex toys are designed to be water-friendly, they aren’t actually waterproof. “Water-resistant” and “fully submersible” are two very different things. And depending on how luxe and price-y your favorite sex
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avril 29, 2022Like

At-Home Workout Gear That Saves Space & Will Actually Get Used

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. We have all been there before: Looking to make a change that inspires a little bit more movement in our day-to-day lives, we pick up a piece of quote-unquote life-changing workout equipment for our homes— whether it’s a fancy expensive bike, a treadmill with a fancy incline or a heavy-duty weight bench — that only months later becomes a
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avril 29, 2022Like

The Impact Invisible Illnesses Can Have On Your Mental Health

There are numerous things in your life that change when you get a diagnosis for a chronic condition. There’s the relief of having more answers and, ideally, a path toward treatment. But for the vast majority of people with chronic illnesses that are considered “invisible” — there can also be some additional hidden struggles that come with living with something that is such a huge part of your life that many people cannot immediately understand.  “Having a chronic illness can
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avril 29, 2022Like

Body Positive Books That Don’t Feed Into Diet Culture or Toxic Eating Habits

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. As body positivity, body neutrality and fat liberation make their way into the cultural lexicon of instagram captions and mainstream magazines, it’s really easy to see bits of diet culture sneak their way in (disguised as “wellness”) and continue to focus on weight loss and shrinking a body more than how to properly nourish the person who lives in
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avril 29, 2022Like

Quincy Medical Group Plans New Hospital With Birthing Center

Quincy Medical Group (QMG; Quincy, Ill.) has been approved for a new hospital and birthing center in Quincy. The hospital will include 25 medical/surgical beds, including three equipped to serve as negative pressure rooms; three operating rooms; and a procedure room. The hospital will also include a post-anesthesia care unit, laboratory, pharmacy, and imaging department. The $2.1 million birthing center will include three birthing rooms, a designated space for prenatal visits and antepartum testing, and a conference space for education
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avril 29, 2022Like

8 Headspace Alternatives You Can Try For Meditation And Relaxation

With life becoming more and more challenging as the days pass by, stress is inevitable – whether it comes from work, finances, family, or others. Thanks to the advancement in technology, we can now access stress-relieving tips with just a click! One of the best stress-relieving activities is meditation and one of the most popular apps for meditation is, yes you guessed it – Headspace! With this meditation app, you can access hundreds of guided meditations and resources to practice
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avril 29, 2022Like

AdventHealth and HCA Plan To Seek Approval To Build Hospitals In North Carolina

Nonprofit health system AdventHealth (Altamonte, Fla.) plans to submit a Certificate of Need (CON) application to build a new hospital near Asheville, N.C. The project would comprise a 67-bed hospital with labor and delivery, surgery, and emergency care services, along with diagnostic imaging and a lab. The plans are in response to the recent 2022 North Carolina State Medical Facilities Plan, which reports a need for 67 additional hospital beds in Buncombe County, N.C., by 2024, according to an article
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avril 29, 2022Like

I Made a Promise to My Son

As told to Jaimie Seaton When our son Aidan was in pre-K, the teachers wanted to put him in a gifted school. But I felt like he was still a baby, and I wanted him to have a normal childhood and not be overwhelmed with schoolwork, so my husband and I opted to keep him in the same school, where he played soccer and chess. Even at that young age, he was a good chess player. We had no reason
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