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avril 20, 2022Like

Beer and Spirits Have More Detrimental Effects on the Waistline and on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Than Red or White Wine

By Brittany Larsen, Iowa State University The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work. The big idea Drinking beer and spirits is linked to elevated levels of visceral fat – the harmful type of fat that is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and other health complications – whereas drinking wine shows no such association with levels of this harmful fat and may even be protective against it, depending on the type of
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avril 20, 2022Like

Why I’m Speaking Up About Toxic Beauty Standards

I recently started re-reading some of my old journals. I like to do this from time to time because I usually find myself seeing my past in a new light that teaches me something, especially as I get older. Each night, I’d read several entries; some were a mere recounting of the day’s events while others expressed that all-too-common yearning of teenage crushes. It seemed pretty harmless and just as I remembered things happening at the time. But then I
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avril 20, 2022Like

Rome Health To Add $3M Women’s Surgical Suite

Rome Health hospital in Rome, N.Y., is adding a new women’s surgical suite, according to an article in The project will renovate 2,000 square feet of existing space into a dedicated cesarean section (C-section) suite adjacent to the maternity department. The $3 million project is scheduled to break ground in 2022 or early 2023 and open in 2023. The post Rome Health To Add $3M Women’s Surgical Suite first appeared on HCD Magazine.
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avril 20, 2022Like

Will Young on being yourself – and happier…

Covering everything from anxiety to adult children through to needs, self-esteem and work, Will Young has written a brilliant book on wellbeing using his own life experiences as a starting point There’s real beauty in sharing stories about mental health and wellbeing. Lived experiences shared can provide others with an opportunity to open up too, listen, learn and feel less alone. Hopefully, they’ll be able to take the next step to improve their own wellbeing as a result – even
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avril 20, 2022Like

The Comeback: 2022 A/E/C Survey Results

While the devastating impact that COVID-19 has had on the U.S. healthcare system is clear, reverberations were felt throughout the healthcare design industry, as well. Healthcare architecture/engineering/construction (A/E/C) firms made their way through a 2020 defined by emergency response efforts as providers grappled with surging patient volumes as well as uncertainty tied to the long-term building project outlook due to sinking healthcare revenues. However, even as the pandemic continued its course into 2021, a rebound was underway—and a robust one—as
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avril 20, 2022Like

Spooning is the Cozy, Comforting Sex Position You Need to Try During Taurus Season

In the world of astrology, Taurus is often known for luxuriating. In matters of love, sex, work and play, Taureans have exacting tastes and prefer comfort to labor — read: working smarter and not harder —when it comes to getting what they want. After all, you spent all of Aries season coming into your power, so now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor(s) and really just bask in them. That’s why, for our Taurus season zodiac sex
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avril 20, 2022Like

Reasons Why Feeling Sad Is OK! (Tips To Feel Sad Without Being Overwhelmed)

You had a great day spending time with your friends and family but you’re still feeling sad? Are you berating yourself for feeling sad even when you had no reason? Well, you need to stop! We all feel sad sometimes – without a reason – just like you would feel happy, angry, proud, or guilty. Emotions come in all shapes and sizes and they are nearly unavoidable. Emotions bring feelings and feelings can change, without warning. Sometimes we can feel
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avril 20, 2022Like

I Tried A CBD Self-Care Routine — Am I Chill Yet?

Lately, I’m not above any attempt to make all the everything of this past year feel a little less stressful. I long to be the type of person who can keep plants alive, have a flawless self-care morning ritual and not fall into negative stress spirals despite living through a global pandemic where medical guidance is deemed optional by so many — but I’m just not there. Instead, I stress! I grind my teeth and I bite my nails and
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avril 20, 2022Like

This Is What Cannabis Can Do For Your Vagina At Any Age

As more and more states make various cannabis products that were previously off-limits readily available to consumers, we’re only beginning to unlock the full potential ways the plant can be used to benefit our health and wellness. Despite countless brands having a CBD-this or a THC-infused that and more high-profile folks loudly and proudly embracing the cannabis market (hello, Martha Stewart!) , it can be hard to decide what to buy when you don’t fully know what you’re paying for
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avril 20, 2022Like

Bakersfield Rehabilitation Hospital Opens In California

Specialized medical and rehabilitative services firm Ernest Health (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) and Vibra Healthcare LLC (Mechanicsburg), a developer and operator of freestanding critical care and acute medical rehabilitation hospitals, opened the Bakersfield Rehabilitation Hospital in Bakersfield, Calif., according to an article in The two-story, 60,000-square-foot facility houses 50 inpatient beds and an expansive therapy room with technology for exercises as well as a mock kitchen, bath, laundry room and automobile for patients to practice activities during treatment. The post Bakersfield
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avril 20, 2022Like

How to cope with flight anxiety post covid

With mask mandates starting to lift on some airlines, there’s a new layer of worry for travellers During the pandemic, most travel was restricted. A lot of us were confined to our homes or the occasional local walk and for some this became a comfort zone of sorts. Recently I had to travel by train to speak at a conference and stay overnight in a hotel. I realised as the day approached that I was feeling more anxious about the
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avril 20, 2022Like

The Art Of Mindful Parenting: Why (And How) Should You Adopt This Technique

Family is all about being present in the moment but as parents, you may not want to be in the moment when your toddler is throwing a tantrum. Feeling out of control when you’re surrounded by your kids can be overwhelming but you are not alone. There are hundreds of parenting books in the market that you may refer to when it comes to handling or managing your children but have you yet heard of the concept called mindful parenting?
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