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avril 4, 2022Like

Branching Out

For decades, The Center for Health Design has been a creator of supportive communities where innovations can be shared, industry-wide challenges discussed, and new ideas nurtured. In that spirit, we launched our first peer-to-peer network more than 10 years ago, the Built Environment Network (BEN). This group provides a high-level, collaborative forum for open, strategic discussions that help set a direction for the future of healthcare design. BEN members are mostly senior- and executive-level professionals responsible for overseeing multiple millions
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avril 4, 2022Like

Transgender People of Color Face Unique Challenges as Gender Discrimination and Racism Intersect

By Gabriel Lockett, University of Florida; Jules Sostre, University of Florida, and Roberto L. Abreu, University of Florida Throughout history, transgender people of color have had a place of honor in many indigenous cultures around the world. This changed in many places, however, as European colonizers began forcing indigenous people to follow white social norms. These include anti-Blackness, Christianity and a gender binary that reduced gender to just man and woman. Colonizers presumed that being cisgender, or having a gender
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avril 4, 2022Like

What Is Aphasia? An Expert Explains the Condition Forcing Bruce Willis to Retire From Acting

Swathi Kiran, Boston University Actor Bruce Willis, 67, is “stepping away” from his career in film and TV after being diagnosed with aphasia, his family announced on March 30, 2022. In a message posted on Instagram, his daughter, Rumer Willis, said that the condition was “impacting his cognitive abilities.” Swathi Kiran, director of the Aphasia Research Laboratory at Boston University, explains what aphasia is and how it impairs the communication of those with the condition. What is aphasia? Aphasia is
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avril 4, 2022Like

Mom’s Off Duty! 5 Ways to Enjoy Some Truly Indulgent Me-Time Tonight (And Most Nights)

Ever talk to another mom friend and realize that, even if you live states away or your kids go to bed at totally different times, the nightly grind is always the same? Get the kids to sleep (story, water, nightlight—check), load the dishwasher, put away the magnetic tiles/crayons/stuffed animals for what feels like the tenth time that day, and then, when it’s all said and done, you end up getting sucked into a social media vortex instead of maximizing that
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avril 4, 2022Like

Community Ties: The Center for Community Health In Brooklyn

Located in Brooklyn’s historic Park Slope neighborhood, the new Center for Community Health (CCH), part of NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, sits among the area’s classic brownstones. A response to the borough’s increasing shift to an ambulatory healthcare landscape, the new facility marks the hospital’s “commitment to a healthier Brooklyn,” by creating a state-of-the-art facility in residents’ own backyard, says David Faren, corporate director of facilities for NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York. For far too long, Faren says, Brooklynites were traveling
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avril 4, 2022Like

4 steps for dealing with too much choice

Whether it’s what to put on the TV in the evening, or how to manage priorities at work, we’re breaking down how to make decisions when things become overwhelming It can be great to feel in control of our lives, making the call on the things that come our way every day as well as big-picture choices that shape the future. But, sometimes, all those decisions can become overwhelming, or even stifling – and when it comes to choices that
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avril 3, 2022Like

Why you should listen to your emotions

So often we underestimate the impact that our emotions can have on our everyday lives. Here, expert columnist Andy Gill dives into the topic of emotions, and shares a practical exercise to help you tune-in to yours What if we could see our emotions as an important part of ourselves? How would it be if we could see them as key resources to living more authentic and connected lives? I believe that emotions are poorly understood, and often undervalued. Emotions
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avril 3, 2022Like

What Is Pyrrole Disorder? How Is It Different From Bipolar?

Pyrrole disorder is a clinical condition with mental and emotional symptoms. Pyrroles are naturally produced molecules in our body which generally do not affect us in many ways but if the number of pyrrole molecules increases more than the required amount it starts to fiddle with your emotions. Pyrrole disorder has been observed to exist along with various mental health conditions but isn’t a symptom to any. Pyrrole disorder can be accompanied by Anxiety, Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc. In this
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avril 3, 2022Like

Mind Can’t Shut Down At Night? Here’s How To Stop Racing Thoughts At Night

Finally, the day’s over. After a warm shower and a hot cup of chamomile tea, you slip into bed. You lay your head on the pillow, close your eyes, and wait for the deep slumber to take over. “Did I forget to pick up the meds?” “Maybe I could do with a diet” “What if tomorrow doesn’t go as I’ve planned?” As soon as you close your eyes, you’re plagued with racing thoughts such as these. As you finally settle
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avril 3, 2022Like

Feel Anxious At Work? Here’s How To Overcome Work Anxiety?

According to statistics almost 60% of the working class claims to have experienced mild to high work anxiety. Anxiety at work might seem common but in no way should work anxiety be accepted as a general phenomenon. If you identify as a person who has (in the past) or is experiencing anxiety at work, it’s time you learn how to manage work stress and anxiety. We spend most of our lives working and being anxious at work everyday (9 to
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avril 2, 2022Like

Early Signs Of Schizophrenia and When Do Symptoms Usually Start?

Schizophrenia is one of the serious mental disorders which need to be taken care of as soon detected or tested. Schizophrenia interrupts the ability to think or manage emotions, make wise decisions and live life positively. Schizophrenia is more complex than it looks as it is a long-term mental health disorder. Since it is difficult to measure or detect, it is really important to learn about early signs of schizophrenia so that you can detect them early and get them
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avril 2, 2022Like

Is Overthinking Making You Second Guess Yourself A Lot lately? Here’s How To Stop

“How to stop second-guessing myself?” I have been asking myself this for the longest of times. I have always been someone who knew exactly why and what I am doing. But as I grew older, I achieved some tiny things and suddenly things started to go downhill. I began to doubt all my decisions, I would second guess myself a lot and trust me I didn’t even realize it until my husband pointed it out. I am an overthinker and
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