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avril 1, 2022Like

Try These Full Bodyweight Exercises for an Equipment-Free Workout

We get it: you love your treadmill workouts, your indoor cycling or your barbells. Who doesn’t? We all love our workout toys and, for many of us, they can make it a lot easier to stay motivated and committed to movement and exercise routines. But let’s not underestimate the appeal and efficacy of bodyweight exercises — which, once you get a hang of a few basic moves, can easily become daily favorites.  Bodyweight workouts are a fun, easy and inexpensive way
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avril 1, 2022Like

Let’s Normalize Not Telling Other People What to Do With Their Boobs, Okay?

One of the easiest and most low-cost things you can do in this world when it comes to other people’s bodies is mind your own business. That’s the sort of 2022 etiquette lesson some people might need a reminder for after a few years of low human contact. And you can always count on Reddit’s “Am I the Asshole?” (AITA) to help with that kind of reminder while give some prime examples of how not to treat other people — especially
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avril 1, 2022Like

Eva Longoria Bastón Is Learning to Be Grateful for a Changing Body in Her 40s

In New York City to talk about a new campaign to draw attention to presbyopia, age-related blurry vision, actress and mom-of-one Eva Longoria Bastón looked like a vision with shiny, dark brown locks in a video interview with SheKnows. “We’re so hard on our bodies as women,” said the 47-year-old Longoria Bastón, noting how women might complain out loud about things they don’t like about their bodies. “I think when your body hears that negativity, it could be toxic,” she
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avril 1, 2022Like

Every Variation of 69 Humankind Has Thought Up

When a position has been around as long as 69 has, it’s bound to inspire a slew of iterations — some of which resemble the original, and others of which no longer look like it at all. We humans are a pretty inventive bunch, and one of the things we’re best at is coming up with new ways to get it on. So it should come as no surprise that we’ve collectively dreamt up enough 69 spinoffs to comprise an
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avril 1, 2022Like

Taking Stock

I started working for Healthcare Design about 12 years ago, and one of the first big projects to land on my desk was managing our annual A/E/C Survey. It’s been a pet project of mine ever since, and finally taught me that using Excel can be more satisfying than excruciating. The survey has evolved a bit over time, with new questions added or others retired, but it always serves as a biennial opportunity to take stock of where we are
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avril 1, 2022Like

5 Ways to Avoid Falling for False Health Information Online

The moment you feel a tickle in your throat or spot a new rash on your child it’s easy to turn to Dr. Google. From the comfort of your couch, you can enter your symptoms into a search engine and begin down a rabbit hole of potential causes, symptoms, and treatments. “Dr. Google has never been to any of our med classes, but they probably are the most popular doctor out there,” Jessica Shepherd, M.D., an OB-GYN and founder of
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avril 1, 2022Like

A Cleaner Future Is on the Horizon

As we pass the two-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, mandates across America are ending and the talk now is of treating the virus as endemic. The hope is that, going forward, we can control it, rather than letting it control us. If COVID taught us anything, it’s to pay more attention to the ways germs are spread. And nowhere is that more important than in healthcare facilities. Studies show that 80 percent of common illnesses, including nasty ones like
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avril 1, 2022Like

3form’s Nature-Inspired Collections Help Put Patients At Ease

Natural light and nature-inspired color create an approachable patient check-in area. A human-centric approach to design is perhaps no more important than when designing for healthcare. In these spaces, we experience some of the most profound moments of our lives, and support from healthcare providers, family, friends, as well as our surrounding environment can make a meaningful difference. 3form’s products allow designers to leverage design as a pillar of delivering high-quality care and harness the power of color, light, and
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avril 1, 2022Like

We need to talk about psychosis

As research finds that a quarter of young people say they have never heard of psychosis, a national charity is calling for greater awareness According to the NHS, psychosis is a mental health condition where people lose some contact with reality. This might mean that they see or hear things that other people do not – classed as hallucinations – or they might begin to believe things that are not actually true – classed as delusions. Psychosis can be caused
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avril 1, 2022Like

How Much Space Is TOO Much Space? Let’s Find The Right Balance

What’s the key to a perfect relationship or a marriage? Uhmm…. Doing each and everything together? Doing things that they like? Sticking with each other 24*7? Or Being available always? Well, if you think that relationship or marriage is all about the above-listed things…my dear friend, you might be standing in the wrong direction! The relationship is not at all about sticking to each other 24*7. Modern relationships do not work that way! The fact is that a relationship is
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avril 1, 2022Like

Discover the joy of hiking and its mental health benefits

Walking in nature is great for your mental and physical health. So, get your boots on and step up, because here’s our beginner’s guide Whether strolling up a local hill or attempting the Three Peaks Challenge, hiking is an activity with a range of benefits. According to mental health charity Mind, spending time exercising outdoors in nature can benefit our mental health by improving our mood and reducing feelings of stress. And it’s good for our physical health, too: brisk
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mars 31, 2022Like

On a Computer All Day? Stop & Try These 8 Stretches for Your Neck & Back

Working remotely has become our way of life over the last two years, and as such, you might find yourself at your computer more often thanks to conducting and/or attending Zoom meetings in addition to your other screen time. So it’s no wonder, with all that sitting, that you might find your neck and back a bit stiff and tight by the end of the work day. Not to mention your body might be accustomed to reverting into a hunched
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