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mars 28, 2022Like

MH News: Mental Health Benefits of Collective Action

You might be wondering if collective actions are a communal thing then why am I discussing it here? Well, it might shock you a bit, but yes, collective actions have great mental health impacts. You might want to know that collective actions like earth hour, planting, and such activities improve our mental health wellbeing. Last Saturday, most of us participated in Earth hour. Wondering how turning off lights for an hour could improve our mental wellbeing? Wait, there is a
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mars 28, 2022Like

8 unique Easter gifts

From savoury eggs to spring craft kits and rejuvenating scented items, do something different this Easter Easter is a time for rejuvenation – when the world around us is coming back to life, and the days are full with a sense of hope for the season ahead of us. Many of us treasure the traditional chocolate Easter egg but, if you’re looking for something a bit different or something that captures the unique feeling of this time of year, we’ve
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mars 28, 2022Like

How to tackle a toxic workplace

A toxic workplace can have a huge impact on people’s wellbeing. With expert insight, we’re identifying the signs of this harmful culture, and sharing the simple life skills that can help transform your ability to approach it If you raise the subject of toxic workplaces in any group of people, I can guarantee you that at least half will have first-hand experience of a past role where bad company behaviour was the norm, and staff were consistently treated poorly. Chatting
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mars 27, 2022Like

Wondering Extroverts Are Always Energized? Learn What Exactly Extroverts Do!

I have seen people fighting over personality traits of extroverts, introverts, and ambiverts. The fact is there are major differences between these personality types. If you look properly, you will find a major dimension in these personalities. According to the five-factor model of personalities, we refer to shy and anxious people as introverts, meanwhile, energized people and talkative people are referred to as extroverts, and people who are in the middle are considered to be ambiverts. But, extrovertism does not
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mars 27, 2022Like

Can You Get Addicted To Stress? Exploring The Link Between Stress And Addiction

Stress has become a part of everyday life whether we like it or not. With so much happening in the world and uncertainty of the future looming over our heads, life is more or less stressful. So much so that stress has now become a natural state for us to be in. But, the question that comes now is; can you get addicted to stress? The answer is simple: Yes. Yes, you can be addicted to stress. It all starts
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mars 27, 2022Like

How to pivot your life in middle age

Four steps to pursuing your dreams, whatever life stage you’re at My favourite episode of Friends, the one that is guaranteed to make me laugh out loud, is the one with the ‘pivot’. The sight of that sofa stuck halfway up the stairs, and Ross blindly screaming at Rachel and Chandler to get it moving, despite the fact it looks to be going nowhere, is still funny. That Friends episode is on my mind right now for two reasons. Firstly,
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mars 27, 2022Like

Do You Become Time-blind With ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been linked to various conditions but did you know ADHD causes time distortion? Inattentiveness can be a major cause of your ADHD making you time-blind. ADHD is a disorder which deals with inattentiveness, impulsiveness and hyperactivity and can be seen in children as well as adults. Have you noticed that your friend with ADHD is never on time for most of your lunch dates? It can be because they struggle with time perception. It
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mars 27, 2022Like

Establish Peace Of Mind With These 15 Effective Ways

Once Sadhguru said, “Peace is not the highest goal in life. But, it is the most fundamental requirement” and I couldn’t agree more. The fact is that we all are seeking peace. Aren’t we? We are working on weekdays, doing chores on weekends which show that we don’t have time for ourselves. Well, being busy is okay but having an anxious or stressful mind is truly not okay. Then, how do we find peace or establish peace of mind when
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mars 26, 2022Like

No Need For an Expensive Yoga Class With This Instructive & TikTok-Viral Yoga Mat

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. For those who want to get back into yoga or those who like performing alone, it can be daunting. Sometimes, you don’t want to be in a crowded room to unwind, especially if you’re a beginner who’s still a bit self-conscious. We’ve all been there and there’s nothing to be self-conscious of when doing your self-care routine. But now,
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mars 26, 2022Like

Hidden Tragedy Of a Lone Wolf: Understanding Male Loneliness…

Male loneliness is nothing alien but nature. Men experience loneliness not because they couldn’t make their way but only because they are humans too. Like all animals including the human species  loneliness is something that anyone can go through. Although men have been portrayed as a ‘stronger gender’, loneliness in men can really weigh them down. In fact, in my understanding, the societal definition of how a man should be is leading men to loneliness. Male loneliness can have a
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mars 26, 2022Like

Grace Victory: A fresh start

New beginnings aren’t always easy, but spring is the perfect time to welcome positive change in your life. Here, columnist Grace Victory explores how we can embrace starting anew, and enter a transformative time with the right mindset For years now, I’ve always felt that the emphasis on ‘new year new me’ vibes in January is just counterproductive. More often than not, it’s cold, we’re broke, and we’re on a serious come down from the festive period. It just doesn’t
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mars 26, 2022Like

The Importance Of Having Aspirations #Inspirations_Follows_Aspirations

We all have dreams, hopes, ambitions, and goals. This is what aspirations mean. Aspirations are something we wish to achieve. But, sometimes we get into demotivation or negative thoughts which stop us from achieving our goals. From the above statements, it is quite clear that we need aspirations to achieve a goal. Often, aspiration is used synonymously with goals. However, they hold important differences. If you will observe properly: Goals are backed up with actions. Aspirations are future-focused and are
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