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mars 25, 2022Like

Students Lost Out on So Much More than Learning in the Pandemic & We’re Just Beginning to Understand the Impact

One of the greatest impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic was on the American school system. Seemingly overnight, students walked, biked, were picked up, or bussed home from school only to stay there. Many did not return to a classroom or school building for months if not a year or more depending upon location. In March of 2020 when the pandemic began staying home, social distancing, wearing a mask and learning remotely was necessary, critical, and vital to survival. Two
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mars 25, 2022Like

Understanding the Wellness Wheel: 7 Dimensions of Wellness

The wellness wheel is a visual aid that shows each category of wellness on a wheel. It gives people the opportunity to hone in on their wellness by identifying areas in their life they may have neglected and work toward improvement. Since all of the dimensions are interconnected, an imbalance in one area of the wellness wheel might restrict you from reaching peak wellbeing. It’s important to remember that wellness is not only important for your physical and mental health,
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mars 25, 2022Like

Test-driving Design

While the term “team-based planning” is used in an array of contexts, in healthcare design it means the opportunity to move beyond the traditional architect-owner collaboration and bring in the key users, engineers, and contractors from the start. The healthcare industry is already pushing to engage the full project team at the onset of a project, but the project team can begin even earlier by having experts involved in the planning phase, resulting in more accuracy and better outcomes. For
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mars 25, 2022Like

Easy Daily Changes You Can Make to Help Your Mental Health

When it comes to protecting your mental health, little choices you make in the morning can make all the difference. While no morning will ever look like a beautiful instagram-friendly scene of journaling, coffee and silence and it’s unlikely you’ll have your family consistently doing nighttime gratitude exercises or yoga, you can take steps to adjust your daily routine to be a bit kinder to yourself. SheKnows spoke with a few experts about how you can build a routine that
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mars 25, 2022Like

Vaccine Hesitancy Is Complicating Physicians’ Obligation to Respect Patient Autonomy During the Covid-19 Pandemic

By Ryan Liu, Penn State Sitting barely 6 feet away from me, my patient yelled angrily, his face mask slipping to his upper lip: “No, I will not get vaccinated. And nothing you do or say will change that fact.” He provided no reason for why he was so opposed to the COVID-19 vaccine. As a primary care resident physician working in an underserved area of Reading, Pennsylvania, I have seen patients of all age groups refusing to follow COVID-19
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mars 25, 2022Like

What Are LISS Workouts & What Do They Do for Our Bodies?

You might have heard the term “LISS” and thought it was yet another new fitness trend that you needed to try. I know I did. While fitness influencers like Kayla Itsines have recently popularized the term, the fact is LISS, or Low Intensity Steady State, exercises have been around since, well, humans started walking. That’s because an example of a LISS workout is actually something as simple as walking.  “With LISS workouts you do a low intensity activity, like walking,
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mars 25, 2022Like

Face Time: Flavia Grey

The senior data strategist at ZGF Architects LLP in Seattle talks about her love of research, design, data analytics … and ballroom dancing. You have a background in design, research, and data analytics. How does this help you in your work? My research and data analytics background brings an objective lens to the design process, which helps tackle cognitive biases. So it’s not about what we think is best; it’s about what the data tells us. What do you like
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mars 25, 2022Like

Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Building Replacement Project

Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, Calif., is planning a $1.7 billion replacement project in West Carson, Calif. Situated on 72 acres around a central park, the center will comprise a 468,000-square-foot acute care inpatient tower with 346 beds, a helicopter landing pad, and 11,000-square-foot warehouse. Project plans also include a 403,000-square-foot outpatient treatment and support building, above-grade parking structure, facilities and IT support building, and a new central plant. Targeting LEED Gold certification, the medical center upgrade will be designed
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mars 25, 2022Like

Two minutes to calm

Try this two-minute exercise to calm your brain and sharpen your thinking Chi Kung is an ancient Taoist practise, a way of being able to influence your own energy. In times of stress, global or otherwise, being able to affect changes in your own energetic state is a really invaluable skill. Overwhelm can take many forms. We experience emotions and sensations that are strong, and they leave us feeling ungrounded, uncentered, scattered or out of control. Coming back to, and
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mars 25, 2022Like

Aspirus Health Plans $15.8M Replacement Hospital In Michigan

Aspirus Health (Wausau, Wis.) is planning a replacement hospital in Ontonagon, Mich., according to an article in The $15.8 million Aspirus Ontonagon Hospital will house multiple services under one roof, including family medicine, specialty care, outpatient therapies, diagnostic imaging, and laboratory services. The project will also include centralized registration and easy-access parking. The current hospital will remain open during construction of the new facility, which is expected to begin in spring/early summer. The post Aspirus Health Plans $15.8M Replacement
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mars 25, 2022Like

The Power Of Mantra Healing For Anxiety (With 7 Positive Mantras For Anxiety)

Mantras are a sound, word, or phrase that you repeat during your prayers or while meditating, and in the end, they all help us in one way or another. For example, they help slow our thoughts down, increase our mental capacity, and bring peace of mind. But what is this power? The power behind such healing? The oldest mantras can be found in the ancient Indian religious texts Vedas. When combined with conscious breathwork and rhythm, these positive and calming
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mars 24, 2022Like

4 Things That Happened When I Did an Emotional Detox

Detoxes have been trending for decades, from the infamous cabbage soup diet of the 80s to the current celery craze. These dietary detoxes or “cleanses” are often easily debunkable or too-close to toxic diet culture for our tastes. (Personally, I’m partial to a green juice to kick off my day. However, the idea of surviving on nothing but cabbage soup for three days makes me want to declare war on all vegetables.) But there’s a new kind of detox on
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