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Blog – Lire les derniers articles

mars 21, 2022Like

6 Effective Ways To Defend Yourself Against Gaslighting

One of the most common manipulation tactics, gaslighting is used by people to gain control in a relationship – social or romantic. Gaslighting involves using phrases to confuse the victim of manipulation and question their reality and experience. Whether you believe it or not, gaslighting can leave long-lasting scars on your mental and emotional health and can leave you with trouble trusting yourself and others. Before I list the ways how to defend yourself against gaslighting, let’s take a quick
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mars 21, 2022Like

5 simple steps to reduce food waste

We all want to do our bit for the planet, and with the rising cost of living, being cautious about our household food waste is one of the best ways to address both issues In the UK, nearly seven million tonnes of food and drink are thrown away each year – costing £12.5 billion – while global food waste is at an eye-watering 900 million tonnes. Here, we’re exploring simple habits we can embrace today, in order to reduce our
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mars 20, 2022Like

MH News: Effects Of Extreme Heath On Mental Health

You must have heard about seasonal affective disorder wherein people experience depression when the season changes. Seasonal affective disorder is mostly experienced during chilly winters. I thought such depression and anxiety are only limited to seasonal changes or winters. But, a new study has revealed that extreme heat can increase emergency room visits for mental health. This study is published by the JAMA Psychiatry. Isn’t it a little bit shocking? I understand that climate changes are drastic and have been a
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mars 20, 2022Like

Outpatient Therapy: Recover at your own pace!

Are you recovering from an illness, surgery, or injury? Are you willing to live your life independently but still need support? Let me introduce you to an amazing therapy that is specially designed for people who are under-recovery and rehabilitation. Going through major surgery, illness, injury, or trauma requires a lot of physical and mental health strength. Doctors or healthcare service providers can surely uplift you with physical strength and support. But, what about your mental health? Everyone can understand
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mars 20, 2022Like

Mandala Meditation Technique: The New Form Of Meditation

We all are aware of the fact that simple coloring can boost up our energy levels; indeed, coloring is a great stress reliever. Well, have you ever heard of Mandala art? Mandala art can be used as a form of art therapy to relieve stress and anxiety. Not only this, but the mandala is also beneficial for various mental health disorders. Creating a mandala for coloring a mandala art is a type of relaxing exercise that takes up our mind
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mars 20, 2022Like

New report highlights our biggest worries, who’s seeking help, and how they’re accessing it

Can a relationship survive without intimacy and could you be stressed without realising it are just two of the biggest worries on our minds, according to the latest findings from Happiful A new report released today sheds light on some of the most commonly searched for worries over the past five years. Focusing on how we can make private mental health and wellbeing support more accessible, the report conducted by the Happiful family of directories, highlights how mental health and
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mars 20, 2022Like

60 positive mental health stories from the past five years

It’s hard to see progress when you’re in the middle of it, but often, when you look back, you’ll see you’ve come a lot further than you think. When it comes to the evolution of mental health support, attitudes, and stigma, there’s still a long way to go, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate the positive steps already taken. Here, as Happiful reaches its milestone fifth anniversary, we’re looking back over the past five years to recognise and appreciate
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mars 19, 2022Like

The Types Of Manipulative Behavior You Should Be Aware Of! (And How To Fight Them)

At some point in life, we’ve all been a victim of manipulation – some subtle, some not-so-subtle – but manipulation nonetheless. I mean, let’s go back to our childhood where we’ve all used “fake crying” to get what we want. That was us using one of the many manipulation tactics – no matter how harmless they were. However, as adults, the cuteness factor isn’t there. As adults, it can be plain manipulation tactics to control or influence others to get
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mars 19, 2022Like

Is ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill A Threat To The LGBTQ Youth’s Mental Health?

The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill is heavily talked about in the media, LGBTQ+ community and in the education section. The bill is affecting the parents and children the most. What do parents want for their children? How and when their children should learn about gender identities and sexual orientation? There are so many question popping about the implementation of The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill. According to the state, sexual orientation and gender identity is a topic that can be discuss
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mars 18, 2022Like

March Is the Most Common Time for Couples To Split — Here’s the Best Way To Do It Amicably

With Spring in the air, we see the signals pointing to the end of winter and the potential of everything blossoming again. During Spring, the adage ‘out with the old and in with the new’ becomes an embodied saying as many relationship endings take place. It seems this time of  year — a month after Valentine’s Day, when the weather changes, and right before summer takes over —  is a prime break-up season for lovers. However, just because it seems
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mars 18, 2022Like

Clinically Speaking: Questions and Answers About Insomnia

Medically reviewed by Dr. Smita Patel Anyone can have trouble sleeping now and then, but if it happens a lot, you may have a sleep disorder called insomnia — and millions of Americans fall into this category. We spoke with Dr. Smita Patel, an integrative neurologist and sleep medicine physician and member of HealthyWomen’s Women’s Health Advisory Council, to find out more about the condition that keeps so many of us awake at night. What is the difference between just
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mars 18, 2022Like

The Oncology Institute Of Hope And Innovation Expands Southern California Footprint

The Oncology Institute of Hope and Innovation (TOI; Cerritos, Calf.) expanded its footprint in Southern California with the opening of a clinic in Culver City, Calif. The clinic offers comprehensive medical oncology services and is part of TOI’s aim to expand access to quality and affordable oncology care for patients across the country. Additionally, TOI recently expanded its Riverside, Calif., clinic with additional exam rooms and expanded infusion space. The post The Oncology Institute Of Hope And Innovation Expands Southern
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