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Hassan Akkad: “Hope linked with action is important”
octobre 11, 2021Like

Hassan Akkad: “Hope linked with action is important”

Hassan Akkad, award-winning documentary filmmaker, activist and author of Hope Not Fear: Finding My Way from Refugee to Filmmaker to NHS Hospital Cleaner, talks to Happiful’s podcast about his love of storytelling and speaking about his own mental health to support others In 2020, Hassan Akkad – a Syrian documentary filmmaker – took up a role at Whipps Cross Hospital in London. The hospital was stretched to capacity as Covid began to take hold across the nation and they urgently
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Americans Are in a Mental Health Crisis – Especially African Americans. Can Churches Help?
octobre 11, 2021Like

Americans Are in a Mental Health Crisis – Especially African Americans. Can Churches Help?

By Brad R. Fulton, Indiana University Centuries of systemic racism and everyday discrimination in the U.S. have left a major mental health burden on African American communities, and the past few years have dealt especially heavy blows. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that Black Americans are twice as likely to die of COVID-19, compared with white Americans. Their communities have also been hit disproportionately by job losses, food insecurity and homelessness as a result of
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How to navigate life as a highly sensitive person
octobre 11, 2021Like

How to navigate life as a highly sensitive person

From managing stresses, to feeling empowered by your sensitivities, we share five essential steps to help you thrive as an HSP It’s estimated that around 20% of us are considered a highly sensitive person (HSP) – someone who, due to an innate trait, experiences more intense emotional, mental, and physical reactions to stimuli. However, there is still little understanding around what it means to be highly sensitive. If you are an HSP, you have probably been told by others that
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Racism a Strong Factor in Black Women’s High Rate of Premature Births, Study Finds
octobre 11, 2021Like

Racism a Strong Factor in Black Women’s High Rate of Premature Births, Study Finds

By Anna Maria Barry-Jester, Kaiser Health News The tipping point for Dr. Paula Braveman came when a longtime patient of hers at a community clinic in San Francisco’s Mission District slipped past the front desk and knocked on her office door to say goodbye. He wouldn’t be coming to the clinic anymore, he told her, because he could no longer afford it. It was a decisive moment for Braveman, who decided she wanted not only to heal ailing patients but
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Five creative writing tips to help manage anxiety
octobre 11, 2021Like

Five creative writing tips to help manage anxiety

Poet and artist Blake Auden shares tips on how to use writing to manage your mental health I have suffered from anxiety most of my adult life and I’ve tried a range of therapies, techniques and approaches to managing my mental health – but nothing has quite helped me in the way that writing has. There are numerous studies that highlight the benefits of writing when it comes to trauma, anxiety, and overall mental wellbeing – as it allows people
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As American Independence Rang, a Sweeping Lockdown and Mass Inoculations Fought off a Smallpox Outbreak
octobre 11, 2021Like

As American Independence Rang, a Sweeping Lockdown and Mass Inoculations Fought off a Smallpox Outbreak

By Woody Holton, University of South Carolina Many Americans of the founding era denounced government tyranny, celebrated the Declaration of Independence – and favored lockdowns and mass inoculations to combat a viciously contagious disease. Unchecked, smallpox kills more than one in 10 of its victims, leaving many of the rest blind, disfigured and sometimes sterile. Many historians say the reason George Washington never had children was his near-fatal bout of smallpox in 1751. The summer of 1776 was a time
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How to look after yourself when caring for someone else
octobre 11, 2021Like

How to look after yourself when caring for someone else

It can be easy to neglect your own needs when you’re focused on caring for another, but here are five tips that could help Receiving and living with a physical or mental health diagnosis can be a massive challenge. Not just for the person with the diagnosis, but for those closest to them, too. Often, a diagnosis is accompanied by complications that affect whole families – additional health conditions, responsibilities, finances, or navigating clinic appointments, and benefit systems. As a
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Hypertension Forced Me to Have My Baby Preterm. There Were No Warning Signs.
octobre 11, 2021Like

Hypertension Forced Me to Have My Baby Preterm. There Were No Warning Signs.

As told to Nicole Audrey Spector As a maternal fetal medicine nurse, I’m used to running around from one patient to the next. But on that day in December 2012, the floor was unusually quiet. So I figured, « What the heck? May as well go have my fetal stress test done. » Just shy of 36 weeks pregnant, I had another eight days to go before my pregnancy would be full-term. I expected my blood pressure reading to be normal because
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Poor mental health is UK’s most common medical complaint
octobre 11, 2021Like

Poor mental health is UK’s most common medical complaint

Ahead of physical illnesses, research finds that mental health problems are now the UK’s most common medical complaint One in four people will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime – and, now, according to new research from not-for-profit healthcare provider Beneden Health, poor mental health has become the most common medical complaint for adults in the UK. Broken down into age brackets, and assessing the rates of mental health problems in the past two years, it was discovered
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I Never Smoked and Got Lung Cancer
octobre 11, 2021Like

I Never Smoked and Got Lung Cancer

As told to Nicole Audrey Spector It started with a cough and shortness of breath. This was in May of 2020, and my biggest fear was that I had Covid. So when the Covid test came back negative, I was overcome with relief. But my upper respiratory symptoms persisted. I was spending a lot of time outdoors with my husband and our kids since there was so little we could safely do inside during lockdown. Maybe I was just having
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Conversations with your daughter: Unlocking the power of self-esteem
octobre 11, 2021Like

Conversations with your daughter: Unlocking the power of self-esteem

In our modern world, we want to raise girls to feel they can go out into the world with their best foot forward. To do that, we need to raise our girls to believe in themselves It may sound cheesy, but self-belief and self-esteem are crucial to raising girls to go out into the world feeling confident and resilient for what lies ahead of them. And while raising girls with high self-esteem despite their being surrounded by digitally altered images
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octobre 11, 2021Like

Bullying in the LGBTQIA+ Community

Bullying is rampant these days. We live in an age of social media where constant scrutiny and the ability to taunt and hurt others on a very visible level is mainstream and easy to do. Bullying is something anyone can be affected by. The LGBTQIA+ community is no exception. This group of people experiences bullying and harassment more than other groups do.  In fact, this group is almost 2 times more likely to be verbally harassed, called names, or physically
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