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février 22, 2022Like

Exercises You Aren’t Doing That Your Trainer Wishes You Would Add to Your Workout

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. Chances are when it comes to your gym routine, you have just that — a routine. You probably do the same exercises on rote even if you mix them up during the week. You may be familiar with certain exercises, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting the best results from doing them. Also, just because a certain exercise
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février 22, 2022Like

13 Health Perks That Come With Your Costco Membership

Walking into a Costco can be more than a little overwhelming whether you’re loading up on essentials for the next few weeks or popping in for just one thing. There are high shelves fully stocked with jumbo-size packages of your favorite products— and not to mention their famous food court, if you need some fuel for your shopping trip (that is, if the free samples don’t suffice). The warehouse store already has a good reputation for filling up families’ shopping
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février 22, 2022Like

A Preventive Double Mastectomy Helped Me Fight Breast Cancer Before It Could Attack

As told to Nicole Audrey Spector February is National Cancer Prevention Month. I was 18 years old when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. I’ll never forget the way the doctor broke the news in the stark fluorescence of an ER exam room. He spoke to my father, as though my mother — the 49-year-old elementary school principal, wife and mother who had been admitted after suffering a fall and severe back pain — was not the person who
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février 22, 2022Like

The University Of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics Plans New Hospital

The University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics (Iowa City, Iowa) is planning a new hospital in Iowa City, according to an article in the Iowa City Press-Citizen. The new patient care center is part of a 10-year revitalization plan for the university hospital system and will be built adjacent to Kinnick Stadium, the home stadium of the University of Iowa Hawkeyes. The project is being funded by a $70 million donation to the University of Iowa from the Richard O.
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février 22, 2022Like

PHOTO TOUR: UCHealth Steadman Hawkins Clinic Denver

UCHealth (Denver) wanted to create a sports medicine center that embodied its brand of holistic care in the southeast part of Denver. Sited off a popular interstate, the 148,846-square-foot UCHealth Steadman Hawkins Clinic Denver is situated against the impressive backdrop of the Front Range of the Rockies and houses advanced MRI and radiology services, six operating rooms, human motion analytics, an orthopedic clinic, and physical therapy/occupational therapy. The landscape plays a key role in the building design—for example, a staff
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février 22, 2022Like

Designing For Caregivers

The pandemic has confirmed a greater need to address caregivers’ personal workplace health, both physical and mental, as part of facility design. In the HERD Journal survey, “Code Lavender: Designing Healthcare Spaces to Enhance Caregiver Wellness,” 80 percent of survey responders said that staff restorative spaces are more important than ever. Previous efforts to focus on staff well-being in healthcare design have included staff respite rooms, outdoor areas, and offstage spaces for staff to decompress and relax. Another concept, Code
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février 22, 2022Like

New Study Looks At Imaging Technique To Study Brain Diseases

Up to one billion people worldwide suffer from neurological disorders. In the United States, more than one million adults are diagnosed annually with a chronic brain disease or disorder. Major brain diseases include multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, Huntington’s disease, and many more. Many brain diseases are progressive and worsen with age. According to the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, over 35 per cent of people 85 years of age or older have
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février 22, 2022Like

Overwhelmed With Emotions? You May Be Experiencing ‘Emotional Flooding’

In the middle of an argument with your partner, you suddenly experience an overwhelming surge of different emotions like rage, hurt, and panic. Does this sound familiar to you? If yes, then you may be experiencing a phenomenon called ‘emotional flooding’. Let’s be honest, here. We’ve all been there before when our emotions more or less ‘hijack’ our minds. When this happens, we feel out of control and the feeling is scary, isn’t it? I guess you’re aware of the
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février 22, 2022Like

Conseils en matière de deuil (1/2)

Chaque individu vit le deuil à sa propre manière et il n’y a pas une seule façon de soutenir une personne en deuil. En effet, au lieu d’essayer d’imposer votre propre vision de ce dont cette personne a besoin, il est préférable d’être là pour lui donner de la compagnie, une épaule sur laquelle pleurer et une confirmation émotionnelle. Cette dernière recevra exigence relatives au donner dessiècles pour que tout ce passe bien timbre peine. Vous vous devez de lui-même
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février 22, 2022Like

Faire face au deuil (1/2)

Tout le monde fait une expérience différente du deuil et il n’y a pas une seule méthode pour aider un individu souffrant de deuil. Au lieu d’essayer d’imposer votre propre vision de ce dont la personne en deuil a besoin, vous pouvez être là pour lui offrir de l`aide, une épaule sur laquelle pleurer et une validation émotionnelle. Celle-ci apportera envie touchant à vivre quelques heures pour que tout ce passe bien ce peine. Il est quasi obligatoire de quant
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février 22, 2022Like

How to stand up for yourself at work

Do you find it difficult to make your voice heard or to maintain your boundaries? It could be time to readdress your workplace dynamic. Here, our expert columnist Andy Gill explores steps to do just that Work can be a challenging environment for many of us to navigate, particularly given the hierarchies of authority that are present. At work, we have people in positions of power over us, and colleagues with whom we might find ourselves in competition as we
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février 22, 2022Like

Why Black People Seek Black Therapists – And Why Race In Therapy Matters!

In the past, whenever I’ve tried looking for online therapy, there’s one question that I’ve seen pop up every time; “Do you have a therapist preference?” I never really understood the point of asking the therapist’s preference. To avoid being fussy, I would usually reply with, “No”. As I said, I never understood the point of choosing a therapist, based on my preference. I mean, I assumed that I’ll be matched with a therapist who is qualified to treat my
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