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février 21, 2022Like

9 Discreet Sex Positions for Quiet Nights in Crowded Households

There are a number of ways to have discreet sex — mostly because there are a number of reasons you’d want to have discreet sex. The first way: Keep things quiet. Maybe you’re in a house full of people, or maybe the walls between your home and your neighbor’s home are seriously thin. No matter the cause, your aim is to keep the noise to a minimum. The second way: Keep things subtle. This is usually only the goal when
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février 21, 2022Like

Beware Of These 7 Phrases Emotionally Abusive People Use To Control You!

Manipulations, gaslighting, and giving the silent treatment are the obvious signs of psychological abuse that you’re aware of but when you’re in an abusive and toxic relationship, there’s a subtlety to this kind of emotional abuse that cannot be easy to spot. Emotional abuse is tricky to spot. Many of us are aware of the signs of emotional abuse, but when one is in an emotionally abusive relationship, the signs can nearly be invisible to identify. Not only manipulation and
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février 21, 2022Like

Feeling Hopeless? Things to Do If You Feel Hopeless

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”  Many of us reach a cul-de-sac where only darkness and grey clouds hover and the feeling of hopelessness wraps itself around. It could be due to strained relationships, breakage of a marriage, financial struggles or someone you love have gone far. Life itself becomes challenging because you have no idea where the future will be leading. Let that sink in for now! But HOPE has better things stored for
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février 21, 2022Like

Support your eye health

What is eye yoga, and how can it help us in these digital times? My eye health is something I’m keenly aware of, perhaps because nearly 15 years ago I became blind in one eye. After wearing contact lenses while wakeboarding, I developed an infection. This led to a stint in hospital where I heard stories of a surfer who lost sight in both eyes with the same infection. I felt lucky and unlucky all at the same time. My
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février 20, 2022Like

Parental Burnout: How To Cope With Parental Burnout

Parental burnout is a true condition. There are so many parents who experience parental burnout and do nothing about it. Ever wondered why? Because society tells us that raising and taking care of your children is an innate ability and you can’t get tired of that! In my understanding, you can feel exhausted and tired of anything that you commit to. Parental burnout is something that in spite of being so common is the least of concerns in many households.
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février 20, 2022Like

It’s Time To Say Goodbye: How To Let Go Of Someone Who Doesn’t Love You

Does your heart hurt when the one you love doesn’t love you back? Oh, the pain you feel can be unbearable when you love someone who doesn’t love you back. I can go as far as saying that one might feel their world crumble around them when the one they love doesn’t want them. Loving someone who doesn’t love you or wants you can be heart-wrenching – whether I talk about your partner falling out of love with you or
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février 20, 2022Like

The future of wellness

What happens when we mix cutting-edge tech with ancient wellness practices? Power on, ion on, PEMF level set to 2 (7.8Hz)… No, I’m not trying to land a plane, I’m just trying to switch on an infrared (PEMF) mat gifted by biohacking tech brand HigherDOSE, ready to try an energy transformation session, hosted by a fourth-generation energy healer and yoga teacher Aysha Bell. If that sounds like two different worlds colliding, it’s because it kind of is. On one hand,
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février 20, 2022Like

How Men’s Mental Health Is Impacted After Divorce?

When marriage is considered as an equal companionship, why divorce is considered one-sided? Why do women get all the focus and men do not even get the empathy? Well, the fact is “divorce is quite unpredictable.” Not being gender-specific here, but it can despair some people, meanwhile, it can feel liberated for some. Some people start seeing other people right away; meanwhile, some spend their whole life missing their old ones. Whatever be the situation, men’s mental health is actually
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février 19, 2022Like

Meditate With Crystals: The Science Behind Crystals, How To Get Started, Methods & More

I’ve seen many Instagram reels and videos highlighting the use of crystals and stones to entice a sense of calmness and relaxation. These crystals and stones I’m talking about have not only gained popularity as accent accessories but have also prompted an interest for abstract purposes. Many cultural practices around the world have been using healing crystals and stones to provide healing. Not only this but these crystals have been used for meditation purposes for years. Carol Boote, a crystal
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février 19, 2022Like

How To Cope With Depression When You’re In A Relationship

Dealing with depression can alone be a struggle but when you’re in a committed, loving relationship, you’re more likely to face an overload of emotions and lots of questions. If you’re struggling with depression, you could – unintentionally – drag your partner down with you. When you’re in a relationship, it’s not all about you alone. Your partner is along with you every step of the way. For better or for worse, right? Let’s take an example. If you no
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février 19, 2022Like

List Of Mental Health Disorders During Pregnancy

When I got pregnant, I thought pregnancy is all about feeling the butterflies, a phase of happiness, taking care of your baby inside, lots of good and positive thoughts, and whatnot. However, I was so wrong about it. Pregnancy is related to various mental health issues for most women around the world. Meanwhile, for some, it could be full of excitement and happiness. But, most of us get vulnerable to having mental health issues or psychiatric disorders during pregnancy like
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février 19, 2022Like

10 sustainable habits to get into in 2022

Up your eco-game this year, with these 10 essential tips to support the planet When it comes to being environmentally-friendly, small changes really do have a big impact in the long run. Making adjustments to some of your daily habits, and a few conscious decisions, can set you up as a much better supporter of Mother Earth, so why not make this the year to fully commit to your eco ambitions? Let’s begin. 1. Buy waste-based. Many brands are turning
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