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février 7, 2022Like

Social and Emotional Effects of Life With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Medically reviewed: Dr. Ayanna Lewis
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février 7, 2022Like

How to Support Someone With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Design: Elizabeth Gething Medically reviewed: Dr. Ayana Lewis
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février 7, 2022Like

What to Write in a Valentine’s Day Card for Every Relationship Stage

Some people are gifted with a way with words, but other people… not so much. If you’ve ever attempted to write a thoughtful, appropriate Valentine’s Day card only to wind up with a million pieces of paper ripped up at your feet — this one’s for you. Valentine’s Day messages are rough, no matter what stage in your relationship you are. Even professional writers might be stumped and end up pulling out their hair figuring out exactly what words to write
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février 7, 2022Like

What is Narcissistic Gaslighting?

To understand what narcissistic gaslighting is, you must have a basic and clear understanding of what both narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and gaslighting are individually. Not all people with NPD gaslight, but many do. In this article, we’ll define both NPD and gaslighting, describe what gaslighting is not, and list some signs that someone might be gaslighting you. Beyond that, we’ll also help you identify when a gaslighting situation or toxic relationship requires professional help. It’s important to remember that
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février 7, 2022Like

Are Nocturnal Panic Attacks Interrupting Your Sleep?

You shoot awake from a dead sleep, sweating, heart racing, and short of breath. You have an awful sensation, but you’re not sure why. You feel a deep sense of dread as the walls close in around you. Are you dying? Are you having a heart attack? What is going on? If this describes you, you might be experiencing nocturnal panic attacks (NPA). Having a panic attack at night can be terrifying. Understanding what we’ve learned about nocturnal panic attacks,
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février 7, 2022Like

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments

Also called seasonal depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a mental health condition marked by feelings of depression and meaninglessness that occur at roughly the same time each year. SAD generally occurs during the winter months, although a rare form of seasonal depression known as summer depression or reverse SAD can be experienced during the warmer summer season.  Seasonal depression symptoms can be debilitating and overwhelming, but this highly treatable condition doesn’t have to rule your life. It’s important to
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février 7, 2022Like

The Best Handheld Percussive Massagers That Aren’t A Theragun

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. One of the bummers about getting older in a human body is that you start to notice the daily ouches, aches and pains that you used to be able to just walk off need a bit more TLC to recover. While a solid exercise routine and a good convo with your healthcare provider are the tried and true ways
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février 7, 2022Like

$633M Cancer Hospital Planned For University of Chicago Medicine

University of Chicago Medicine (Chicago) is building a cancer hospital in the Hyde Park neighborhood of  Chicago, according to an article in the Chicago Tribune. The $633 million, 500,000-square-foot project, which aims to address health inequities on the South Side and attract patients from across the region, will include 128 beds for overnight patients, outpatient services and procedures, an urgent care for cancer patients, and research space. Construction on the project is slated to begin in 2023, and open in
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février 7, 2022Like

Nosophobia: The Fear of Having a Disease

Nosophobia’s Greek origin is a combination of “nosos,” meaning disease, and “phobos,” meaning fear. The Greek origin alludes to the definition of nosophobia which is an irrational and intense, uncontrollable fear of disease. So, what characterizes this specific phobia? It’s common to become periodically anxious about contracting an infectious disease or severe sickness, especially if there’s an outbreak and many people are getting sick. However, for someone with nosophobia, anxiety about a specific disease can become so overwhelming that it
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février 7, 2022Like

Ready for Another Pandemic Malady? It’s Called ‘Decision Fatigue’

By Jenny Gold, Kaiser Health News Most all of us have felt the exhaustion of pandemic-era decision-making. Should I travel to see an elderly relative? Can I see my friends and, if so, is inside OK? Mask or no mask? Test or no test? What day? Which brand? Is it safe to send my child to day care? Questions that once felt trivial have come to bear the moral weight of a life-or-death choice. So it might help to know
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février 7, 2022Like

Sex Positions You’ve Gotta Try for Mind-Blowing Orgasms

We all love a good orgasm. But when it comes to partnered sex — particularly intercourse — there’s a real split in who is most consistently getting them via their partner (though toys are always a great teammate and not competition in this regard!). Don’t believe all the hype from movies, porn and TV — orgasms for folks with vulvas aren’t an easy get through penetration alone, nor or they so elusive and complicated that they aren’t worth trying for.
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février 7, 2022Like

15 Minutes With Dr. Leana Wen

Dr. Leana Wen is an emergency physician and public health professor at George Washington University who previously served as the health commissioner in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Wen is a familiar face on CNN, where she serves as a medical analyst, writes a weekly column in The Washington Post and hosts the Post’s newsletter, The Checkup With Dr. Wen. She’s also the author of the new book, “Lifelines: A Doctor’s Journey in the Fight for Public Health.” The busy mother of
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