6 At-Home Massage Tools Physiotherapists Swear By

Lacrosse Ball

Why its great: Its small, portable, affordable and accessible, says Cheung. And the bang for your (few) bucks is huge: you can use the hard, rubbery ball on almost any muscle, either by rolling it over a tight area or by sinking your weight into a trigger point. Its nice because you can get into those smaller areas, adds Armstrong. (Related: Do you have dead butt syndrome?)How to use it: You can lie down on the ball, with it positioned wherever you need a release, but if thats too intense, ease up on the pressure by using it against a wall instead of the floor. Or, try Cheungs clever trick and, while seated in a high back chair, place the ball behind you and lean back for about 30 seconds to a minute. Bonus: no hands!Gaiam Restore Ultimate Massage Ball, $10, well.ca

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