6 At-Home Massage Tools Physiotherapists Swear By


Why its great: Its kind of like a lacrosse ball on steroids, says Armstrong. The tech device uses whats called percussive therapy (the deeper-reaching sibling to vibration therapy) to help stimulate blood flow and release trigger points, and its motor does most of the work for you. Its a pricey investment, but could be worth it if stiffness and soreness are big issues for you. A lot of my clients really like it for their legs post-run, Armstrong adds. They find it helps to shorten recovery time.How to use it: You can use it on your forearms, chest, traps, glutes, thighs, hamstringspretty much any meaty, muscle-y area, says Armstrong. Power it onshe recommends starting on a lower setting and building your way upand glide the attachment over the area for a max of two minutes. You can also synch newer models up to an app that shows you exactly what to do and controls the settings as you go.Theragun Elite, $549, theragun.comNext,Muscle Soreness? Here’s What You’re Missing in Your Workout Routine

The post 6 At-Home Massage Tools Physiotherapists Swear By appeared first on Best Health Magazine Canada.

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