6 Eye Doctor-Approved Ways to Protect Your Eye Health

Take a break

When you spend too much time on your devices, it gets harder for your eyes to focus on something far away, which contributes to dry eye, tired eyes and headaches. Practise the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something at least 20 feet away. If youre in WFH mode, that can mean just looking out the nearest window.You should also make sure your computer has a good ergonomic set-up and the screen is not too bright. A lot of people find damping the brightnessadjusting the brightness itself, adding a reflection protector to the screen or using a blue light filter in their glassesdoes help ease some of the eye strain, says North.(Related:The Eye Issue to Be Aware of If You’re on a Computer All Day)

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