6 Eye Doctor-Approved Ways to Protect Your Eye Health

See your eye doc

Regular exams with an optometrist will not only keep the health of your eyes in check, but it can also help catch other issues early on. The eye is the one area of the body where we can easily see the whole circulation system, the arteries and the veins, says North. That means your eye doctor can detect signs of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends a full exam every two to three years for most adults up to age 39, every two years for those between 40 and 64, and annually after that. (If you have high risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of eye disease, your doctor might want to see you more often.)Did you know? Pregnancy can cause temporary fluid retention and inflammation in your eyes. If youre a new mom who wears glasses, get your eyes checkedits not uncommon to experience a permanent change in your prescription postpartum.(Related:What to Know About Dry Eye Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments)

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