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octobre 13, 2021Like
“Why Can’t I Cry?” Here’s What Might Be Going On If You Can’t Shed Tears
The lump in your throat grows as your emotions come closer to the surface and yet… you can’t shed a tear. Can’t cry. You feel the sting behind your eyes but the tears won’t fall. Or maybe you just never feel like crying, no matter how sad or distressing a situation may be. Don’t worry, this is not something you should be ashamed of. If you can’t cry, then there are various reasons behind that. Reasons we’ll be exploring more calmsage
octobre 13, 2021Like
The Science Behind Panic Attacks & What To After A Random Panic Attack
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with your body on high alert? Or did your heart begin to race and your mind activated the flight-or-fight mode during your midday stroll? Well, you’re not alone in this either. Random panic attacks are common (more than you expect) and all of us – at some point in our lives – experience panic attacks. The symptoms may vary depending on the intensity but some common symptoms remain the calmsage
octobre 13, 2021Like
Pathological Liars: Who Are They & How To Deal With Pathological Liars
Lying is a human trait that none of us can truly escape. We all lie at some point in our lives and more often than not we have a good reason for those lies. Maybe you don’t want to hurt your partner’s feelings or maybe you don’t want your coworker to lose their job, so you tell a white lie to protect them. However, some people tell lies so often that they begin to believe their lies as the truth. calmsage
octobre 13, 2021Like
Oddly Satisfying Videos: The Psychology Behind The Feels
While scrolling through social media do you also find yourself stuck in a loop of watching oddly satisfying videos? Have you ever wondered why we keep on watching these oddly satisfying videos and what is so satisfying about them? Well, psychologists have tried to understand the psychology behind these “oddly satisfying” videos. Let us see what gets these videos millions of views, why it relaxes us, and why it is so appealing to us. Hey, don’t get hooked yet! calmsage
octobre 13, 2021Like
Fine-Tuning Tools To Examine The Brain In Order To Alleviate Common Mental Disorders
A new study published in the Journal of Molecular Psychiatry looked at how genetically encoded sensors enable micro and nano-scopic decoding of transmission in healthy and diseased brains. “Our study looked at developing a method to visualize neuromodulatory communication between neurons at the nanoscale,” study author Li Lin told us. “Neuromodulatory communication is important for many high cognitive behaviors and its deficit is responsible various psychiatric, mental and neurology disorders.” Problems with communication pathways of the brain are involved in theravive
octobre 13, 2021Like
Refugees Who Want To Settle In West Least Likely To Hold Extremist Views
Refugees who wish to settle in Western countries are less likely to have extreme political and religious views. A study published in Psychological Science surveyed 1000 Syrian refugees living in Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan. The researchers found that the majority of refugees were more motivated to return home to Syria than to migrate to Western countries, but those who did want to move to the West were less likely to hold extremist views. “Refugees are often portrayed in Western theravive
octobre 13, 2021Like
Here’s Why Stress May Actually Be A Useful Tool Rather Than An Obstacle
You feel it ahead of a big exam. Your stomach churns before a job interview. Your heart races before you board a plane. Stress is something everyone is likely to experience at some point. But stress doesn’t have to be an obstacle. In fact, it can be a useful tool. A recent study from the University of Rochester found that re-evaluating perceptions of stress can improve mental health, wellbeing and ultimately, success. In undertaking the study, the team of psychologists theravive
octobre 13, 2021Like
The Dark Side of Health Gamification
The use of gamification by businesses and consumers has become widespread. It’s more visible in the digital health arena, but there are hidden dangers for users. Gamifying our lives may seem like an easy way to motivate ourselves and others toward healthy behaviors. However, gamified incentives could also lead people away from their goals—and even make them more vulnerable to unhealthy habits. In an Information Processing & Management study this year, researchers developed a theoretical model to investigate the effects of theravive
octobre 13, 2021Like
The Neural Mechanisms Behind The Highly Desired State Of Team Flow
A new study published in eNeuro examined team flow and how it is a unique brain state associated with enhanced information integration and neural synchrony. “The study is about team flow; a psychological state experienced when a team gets ‘in the zone’ during their performance,” study author Dr. Mohammad Shehata told us. “Successful teams and their coaches or supervisors strive to reach this state. We were hoping to detect brain signals specific to team flow and understand the neural mechanisms behind theravive
octobre 13, 2021Like
Id Ego Superego
The human personality, according to Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalytic theory, is multifaceted and contains more than one component. He discussed how the human psyche has multiple dimensions. His personality theory divided the psyche into three parts: Id, Ego, and Superego, which developed at different times during our lifespan. Each component of the personality has distinct characteristics that combine to form a whole and contribute in some way to an individual’s conduct. Let’s take a closer look at each mindtrib
octobre 13, 2021Like
Wu Wei: The Principle of Effortless Action
There is always something to be done; deadlines to be met, goals to be achieved or plans to be kept. Hustling is the way of life. But even when you successfully achieve all of them, it doesn’t feel complete. More deadlines, goals and plans are piled up and slowly it becomes a race, only you are swimming against the current. That is a very difficult position to put yourself in. EVentually, the stress and pressure starts to seep out the mindtrib
octobre 13, 2021Like
How to convince your loved one for therapy
It could be hard seeing someone you love struggle emotionally. You might sometimes feel helpless in spite of trying everything in your control. One of the things you could do to help them is to encourage them to seek professional help. But in a society with social stigma and lack of awareness seeking therapy does not come easily. Here are some ways in which you can convince your loved one to seek therapy. The most important thing to remember is mindtrib