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octobre 14, 2021Like

All snuggled up: Why do 1 in 10 adults sleep with their childhood teddies?

New survey results reveal one in five adults still own their childhood teddies, while 9% of us choose to sleep with a soft toy at night Cuddly toys and security blankets are just two of the most common comfort objects (also known as loveys) many of us have as children. Snuggling up with a stuffed animal or wrapping up with a security blanket can provide comfort when feeling overwhelmed or may help to soothe you when feeling anxious. These transitional
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octobre 14, 2021Like

Guide Me: How To Set Digital Boundaries For Yourself

There is no denying we are all a little dependent on our smartphones! Interestingly, the relationship with our social media is a love/hate one. Especially, in current times when most of us rely on our digital devices, it is important to maintain a healthy relationship with our time spent digitally, with our digital devices. The best way to make it work is, setting digital boundaries. To help you with the same we are sharing some effective ways to set digital
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octobre 14, 2021Like

How to help a loved one with body dysmorphic disorder

Seeing someone we care for be consumed by perceived ‘flaws’ can be extremely difficult – especially at a time when re-entering society has us all feeling under more intense scrutiny. But if you are at a loss for what to do, the good news is there are ways you can support a friend or family member experiencing BDD Between countless hours on Zoom staring at our own faces, and the mounting pressure to return to the social world with a
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octobre 13, 2021Like

A Mammogram Saved My Life

October 15 is National Mammography Day. As told to Jackie Froeber The mammogram stars aligned for me in 2017. I was working at St. Peter’s Health Partners and popped into a co-worker’s office to say hi. On her desk was a flier advertising free mammograms over the weekend for employees. I had just turned 40 two months earlier, and since I didn’t have any plans that weekend, I signed up. Although my grandmother had breast cancer, I wasn’t worried or
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octobre 13, 2021Like

Can Trigger Point Injections Treat Your Pain?

Keep waking up with that painful knot in your back? You may be among the millions of people who experience ongoing pain from trigger points, or tight knots deep in the muscle tissue. According to an article published in Practical Pain Management, trigger points may affect as many as 44 million people in the United States alone, although some researchers believe the true number is even higher. That’s because trigger points often cause pain in unrelated parts of the body,
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octobre 13, 2021Like

Pediatric Crisis Stabilization Unit Planned In Tennessee 

East Tennessee Children’s Hospital in Knoxville, Tenn. and mental health services provider The McNabb Center (Knoxville) are planning a pediatric crisis stabilization unit in Knoxville, according to an article in The unit, which will provide behavioral health treatment, therapy, and medication management, is slated to open in early 2022.
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octobre 13, 2021Like

Understanding Relationships Better: Can Setting Boundaries Reduce Stress

We all want to live a peaceful life without much stress in life. Something we dig our own graves. We do not pay much attention to our limitations and boundaries. That is exactly how we invite stress in our lives. Setting boundaries can be used as a stress management technique. Before you can do that you need to first understand what boundaries you need to set. Where are you lacking in terms of boundaries, that you are experiencing so much
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octobre 13, 2021Like

Texas A&M Health Hub Opens

Texas A&M Health Science Center in Bryan, Texas, has opened the Texas A&M Health Hub, according to an article in The three story, 33,000-square-foot facility includes 35 exam rooms, three procedure suites, and eight telebehavorial booths on the third floor. The health hub provides family care, psychiatry, telebehavorial, urgent care, women’s health, and pharmacy medication management services.
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octobre 13, 2021Like

The uncertainty experts: helping us embrace the unknown

A new interactive online documentary pairs science and storytelling to help us improve resilience, creativity and productivity How do you feel about stepping into the unknown? After the last couple of years, you would have thought we’d be comfortable with uncertainty. But the truth is, many of us aren’t. As someone with anxiety and a history of an eating disorder, routine and the ‘known’ are very much my happy places. And while I have gotten better at dealing with uncertainty
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octobre 13, 2021Like

Common micro stressors and how to tackle them

Spot the micro stressors in your life and take steps to soothe them Stress is something that all of us experience – it can come and go, or affect us over long periods of time. This stress can come from a number of different places, and we can often trace them back to big events in our lives. But something you may not be so aware of is the way that micro stressors affect our wellbeing. So, what are micro
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octobre 13, 2021Like

Can Anxiety Make You Nauseous? Exploring The Reasons, Causes & More

Have you ever worried so much about something that you started to feel physically sick? Well, there’s a reason behind that. Anxiety is not only an emotional reaction to stress and worry but it can also cause physical responses such as nausea and vomiting. Nausea is a sign of anxiety and involves an easy feeling of being sick in your stomach. Nausea that anxiety causes can interfere with your ability to perform daily tasks. Similar to other mental and physical
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Qigong For Beginners: Meditation Techniques, Benefits, How To Practice & More!
octobre 13, 2021Like

Qigong For Beginners: Meditation Techniques, Benefits, How To Practice & More!

An ancient Chinese healing technique, Qigong or Chi Kung meditation is when you combine controlled breathing, deliberate and gentle movements with meditation to improve your physical, spiritual, and mental health. You must’ve heard of Tai Chi, another Chinese movement meditation technique, and if you practice Tai Chi then you must be able to connect Qigong with it. Similar to Tai Chi, Qigong movements can also help heal conditions such as fatigue, joint pain, high blood pressure among others. In this
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