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décembre 23, 2024Like

Happy Holidays from HealthyWomen

This holiday season, you’re probably busy getting gifts for all the important people in your life. But I bet I can think of someone you left off your list. Yourself. We often find ourselves caring for everyone else and putting ourselves last. This year, I’d like you to take some time to think about yourself. I know that might make you uncomfortable because you may not be used to putting yourself first. But you deserve it. Trust me, you do.
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décembre 23, 2024Like

Optimist vs. Pessimist Dating – Can Such A Relationship Work?

It’s a fact that opposites attract. If I talk about my relationship with my husband, I will say we are two different people with different perspectives. We have been married for four years, and we still have different important tasks to take over, be it finances, having children, philosophy, and more. A lot of people ask us, what keeps us going? Finding the balance between opinions or perspectives is key to keeping going. We all are different in certain ways,
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décembre 19, 2024Like

Doctors Shrugged Off My Cough Because I Wasn’t a Smoker — but I Had Stage 4 Lung Cancer

As told to Nicole Audrey Spector I was 43 years old, a teacher turned stay-at-home mom of three and in great physical shape. I had always been super on top of my health. Any routine screenings, like Pap tests and mammograms, I had right on time, and I was always very in tune with my body. So, when I came down with a cough that just wouldn’t quit, I took action fast and went to my primary care provider (PCP).
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décembre 19, 2024Like

Doctores ignoraron mi tos porque no fumaba, pero tenía cáncer pulmonar de etapa 4

English Tal como lo relataron a Nicole Audrey Spector Tenía 43 años, era una profesora que se convirtió en ama de casa, con tres hijos y un estado físico fantástico. Siempre cuidé mucho mi salud. Me sometía puntualmente a todas las pruebas rutinarias, tales como Papanicolaous y mamografías, y me sentía en armonía con mi cuerpo. Así que, cuando tuve una tos que simplemente no sanaba, tomé medidas rápidamente y fui a una consulta con mi proveedora de atención médica
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décembre 19, 2024Like

Should You Do a Breast Self-Exam?

“Breast self-exams are no longer recommended.” When I saw that headline earlier this year, I thought it was a typo. As someone who found my own breast cancer lump that turned out to be stage 3 cancer, I was surprised to learn that many health organizations like the American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute don’t recommend breast self-exams. And they haven’t for years. So what happened? The breast self-exam was created in the 1950s as a convenient and low-cost
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décembre 19, 2024Like

¿Deberías examinar tus mamas?

English “Ya no se recomiendan los autoexámenes de las mamas”. Cuando leí ese título hace unos meses, pensé que fue un error tipográfico. Puesto que encontré una masa cancerosa en mi mama la cual resultó ser cáncer de etapa 3, me sorprendió enterarme que muchas organizaciones médicas tales como la Sociedad estadounidense contra el cáncer y el Instituto nacional de cáncer ya no recomiendan autoexamenes de las mamas. Y no se recomiendan desde hace años. ¿Qué pasó? Los autoexámenes de
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décembre 19, 2024Like

Is Tech Addiction In Teens Real? Tips to stay Mindful

Our lives revolve around technology and the Internet more than ever. From attending classes to staying in touch with the happenings around. But did you know that technology addiction or tech addiction is a real and serious problem, especially in teens? When I say addiction, what’s the first thing that springs to mind? Drugs, alcohol, caffeine? Well, addiction is more than just substance dependency. Being so consumed in our daily lives, we’ve become addicted to the use of technology and
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décembre 18, 2024Like

Your Teen’s Protein Powder Obsession Isn’t as Healthy as You Think

I was already deep into the text thread from the Trader Joe’s aisle, lobbying for a dairy-free protein powder (the one I wanted to try in smoothies) over a whey-based one (my kid’s pick), before the common sense question hit me: Are protein powders even safe for teens?  As everyone from perimenopausal women to gym bros are encouraged by health providers and their TikTok algorithm to up their protein intake, supplements such as powders, bars, and shakes are everywhere —
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décembre 18, 2024Like

More Teens Are Saying No To Drinking, Smoking, & Marijuana — But One Trendy Product Is an Exception

We have some holiday cheer for parents of teens: In the US, teen drug and alcohol use is continuing to stay low in the post-pandemic years. Even better? Abstaining from alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes, and e-cigarettes has never been more popular. There’s only one substance on the rise, and it’s a trendy one: nicotine pouches. All this new info is from the latest edition of the Monitoring the Future survey, a nationwide annual study funded by the National Institutes of Health
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décembre 18, 2024Like

The First Holiday Without My Dad Was Hard, but Family Support Helps

As told to Jacquelyne Froeber I hosted Thanksgiving this year, just as I’d done for the past eight years. I made the giant turkey, mashed potatoes and all the traditional favorites. The dessert table — my dad’s favorite spot to sneak off to when no one was looking — was overflowing with decadent pies and sugary treats. I made enough food to feed an army — or in this case my big Italian family. My parents had seven of us
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décembre 18, 2024Like

Vivir saludablemente con EPOC

Español + Flipbook text Diapositiva 1  Vivir saludablemente con EPOC Cómo vivir de la mejor manera posible mientras manejas una EPOC   Diapositiva 2  No hay cura para la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC), pero hay pasos que puedes tomar para vivir bien si la padeces.   Diapositiva 3  Deja de fumar cigarrillos tradicionales o electrónicos. Dejar de fumar cigarrillos tradicionales o electrónicos es lo más importante que puedes hacer para evitar que la EPOC empeore.   Diapositiva 4  Monitorea
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décembre 18, 2024Like

Insomnia In College Students Impacted More By Loneliness Than Screen Time

Feeling lonely has a greater impact on sleep for college students than too much screen time. Research from Oregon State University found that students with high levels of loneliness were more likely to have difficulties sleeping compared with less lonely students, regardless of their level of screen time. “More screen time is indeed associated with greater insomnia symptom severity. However, this was only the case for those who were not very lonely. Those who were lonely had greater levels of
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