6 At-Home Massage Tools Physiotherapists Swear By


Why its great: Take what you love about the lacrosse ball and double it. The peanuts two-headed design is ideal for using along your spine and neck. You dont want to put things directly on your spine, but the peanut allows the bony part to sit between the two balls, says Armstrong. She recommends the tool for releasing the suboccipital muscles, A.K.A. the area right where your head meets your neck and is often tightand headache-inducing!for desk-workers.How to use it: Lying on the floor with your knees bent, place the peanut horizontally right at the base of your skull. Then, lightly tuck your chin to push your neck into the tool. Hold it for 5 seconds then release and repeat for about a minute. You should feel a bit of relief as you go, says Armstrong.Triggerpoint Universal Massage Roller, $27, sportchek.ca

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