Massage Stick
Why its great: Like a skinnier foam roller with handles, a massage stick is great for rolling out your legs without any tricky maneuvering, making it a great option if your mobility makes getting on the floor difficult or if using your full bodyweight feels too intense. For people who cant tolerate a lot of pressure, you can sit and lean into it as you roll to get a lighter massage, says Cheung. The only downfall? Because it requires two hands, its not a good option for muscles in the upper body.How to use it: To work your IT bands, located on the outside of your thighs, start at your hip and roll the stick in light, long strokes along the IT band to above your knee. Once the area gets warmed up, add pressure or adjust the angle to zone in on tender spots, working the area for no more than a minute.GoZone Basic Massage Stick, $13, Surprising Benefits of Massage Therapy)