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novembre 1, 2021Like

The FDA Authorizes Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine for Children Ages 5 to 11 – a Pediatrician Explains How the Drug Was Tested for Safety and Efficacy

By Debbie-Ann Shirley, University of Virginia Elementary school children in the United States will soon have one more layer of protection to keep them safe from COVID-19. On Oct. 29, 2021, the Food and Drug Administration authorized emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. The move came days after a tense and careful deliberation of its key scientific advisory committee, on Oct. 26, 2021, in which members voted 17-0 to authorize the Pfizer shot,
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novembre 1, 2021Like

IIDA Names 2021 Healthcare Design Award Winners

The International Interior Design Association (IIDA; Chicago) announced the winners of the 2021 IIDA Healthcare Design Awards, which recognize originality and excellence in design and furnishings in healthcare spaces. Projects were reviewed by a panel of healthcare design professionals, including Elsie St. Léger, assistant project manager at NYU Langone Medical Center (New York); Anne Cunningham, interior design lead at Tarpaulin Studio (Seattle); and Lakiesha Stanley, interior designer at Gresham Smith (Charlotte, N.C.). Submissions were judged in specific categories, including ambulatory,
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novembre 1, 2021Like

Harris House Treatment & Recovery Center

The Harris House Treatment and Recovery Center is a 60,000-square foot, 60-bed facility situated on an 8.3-acre site overlooking the Missouri River in St. Charles, Mo., completed in November 2019. Operated by St. Louis-based Harris House, a nonprofit foundation providing addiction treatment for over 50 years, the facility serves as an anchor for addiction treatment in the greater St. Louis metro area. The center houses up to 60 adult patients seeking sobriety from drug and alcohol dependency. Patients in this
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novembre 1, 2021Like

Meeting Of The Minds

We did it. The Healthcare Design team held our first in-person event in almost two years when we and about 100 industry members took to Santa Fe, N.M., for the 2021 HCD Forum. By nature, Forum is the type of gathering that always feels a bit like a homecoming, an intimate, invitation-only affair uniquely designed to foster engagement and interaction between an attendee base consisting of our Editorial Advisory Board members, HCD 10 award winners present and past, and some
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novembre 1, 2021Like

Why Some Women Don’t Have Orgasms

Amy* enjoys being intimate with her husband, but she finds it difficult to have an orgasm when they’re having sex. She tends to get in her head a lot, which makes it hard for her to focus on the sensations she’s feeling. When this happens, she gets fixated on having an orgasm and starts worrying about how long it may take, why she isn’t climaxing sooner or that she won’t have an orgasm at all. « The more I think, the
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novembre 1, 2021Like

Full Immersion

The historic architecture, mountain views, and bustling arts scene of Santa Fe, N.M., provided a welcoming and inspiring backdrop for the fifth annual Healthcare Design Forum Sept. 13-15 at La Fonda on the Plaza. Attendees—including Healthcare Design’s Editorial Advisory Board, HCD 10 award winners, and other invited professionals—immersed themselves in three days of speaker sessions, small-group breakouts, and networking activities. The program featured a presentation on the future of hybrid healthcare spaces by Ari Peralta, CEO and founding partner of
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novembre 1, 2021Like

Bay Pines VA Plans Outpatient Clinic

Bay Pines VA Healthcare System (Bay Pines, Fla.) is planning a new outpatient clinic on the healthcare system’s campus in Bay Pines. The project includes the renovation of Building One, a 1930s-era facility that currently houses the healthcare system’s Veterans Canteen Service, which includes a food court, retail store, and barber shop. It was also the former location of the healthcare system’s behavioral health services, which were relocated in anticipation for construction. The two-year project will include an interior renovation
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novembre 1, 2021Like

The Sleep Hormone: Melatonin! Can It Be Bad For You?

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life. Can you imagine life without sleep? I can’t! Melatonin is the hero of the show when it comes to sleep. Whether you sleep more, less or sufficient, melatonin does it all for you. Did you know almost 70 million people have a poor sleep schedule resulting in a decreased quality of sleep? There are almost 30% of people who suffer from sleep related disorders. All of this has one
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novembre 1, 2021Like

Are You Venting Or Trauma Dumping? What Is Trauma Dumping (And Why You Should Stop)

Yes, sharing our feelings, experiences, and worries with our loved ones can help us process difficult emotions but what happens when sharing turns into oversharing? When does venting about our experiences become trauma dumping? We all know that one person who constantly shares their problems without pausing to consider how we are feeling or how their sharing might be affecting us. And sometimes, a normal conversation about relationships will turn into hour-long discussions about childhood trauma or toxic upbringing. The
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novembre 1, 2021Like

Crystal clear: Steff’s story

Steff struggled with her mental health for years, trying to find a treatment that suited her. When she finally discovered more holistic therapies, she not only began her journey to recovery, but found the inspiration to start a business to help others as well At the age of 14, I sank into a deep depression and, at the time, had no idea what was happening to me. I was angry at myself for feeling this way, and began to self-harm
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octobre 31, 2021Like

Powerful Quotes From Breast Cancer Survivors That Are Guaranteed to Inspire You

It’s been estimated that roughly 30 percent of newly-diagnosed cancers in women are breast cancer diagnoses. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women after skin cancer, and the often-touted stat is that one in eight women will develop breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. These people are your co-workers, your friends, your sisters, your mothers — and each of them has a story. And while the rate of women succumbing to breast cancer has been
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octobre 31, 2021Like

Everyday Sex Tips From a Sex Magic Practitioner

Though some would argue all sex is magic, “sex magic” itself is a different concept entirely. Sex magic — also sometimes spelled “sex magick” — summons energy locked inside the body and uses orgasm as a vehicle to manifest. With orgasmic vibrations, spells intensify. And whether climax is reached with another body or alone, sex magic is one of the most effective ways to acquire desire. It is harnessing dreams into waking life. The power sourced from sex magic doesn’t
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